To Be Like Him

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*Hey..... So this👆🏻 is Tessa after the big thing in the chapter happens. There is also music!*

~Tessa's POV~
I woke up in a bed I didn't Recognize. I slowly sat up and pulled my phone from my pocket, I had about 6 messages and 17 missed calls from Harleen.
Harley: Tessa?
Harley: Where are you I'm serious!?
Harley:Tessa this isn't a Game, The Joker got out and he can hurt you!
Harley: Tessa!
Harley: Tessa it's not funny!

Then I remembered that The Joker's men killed all the guards and He said He wouldn't Kill me but he was gonna really hurt me... And then I blacked out. Where am I? My question was answered when Mr. J cleared his throat, I looked over and saw him wearing a purple and black shirt He was leaning against the door frame.

"Good Morning, Dear" He smirked. I stood to my feet and walked a few feet in front of him.

"What The Fuck Mr. J?! What did you to me?!" He growled and made his way over to where I was and he slammed me against the wall.

"Don't talk to me like that" His hand was on the wall next to me, He looked down at me as I looked at him in fear.

"That's better." He grabbed my wrist and dragged me outside. "Where are you talking me?" I said leaning back on his car. He gave me a hungry look and he bit his lip, he wrapped his arms around my waist and made his lips clash into mine. God I love him... Especially when he does this, I gave in to the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. He soon broke the kiss and opened my door inviting me to sit.

"Don't worry about that my love" He smiled, closing the door after I entered the car. He let himself in on the drivers side and started driving it to a place I'd never seen before, it was huge and dark.

"We're here my love" He Grinned and wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked.

"Why are we here?" I tilted my head as he opened the door.

"You'll see Baby" He lead me up some stairs, when we reached the top I looked down to see pools of chemicals.

"Question... Would you Die for me?" He tilted his head.

I hesitated at first and looked into his icy Blue eyes. "Yes."

"That's Too easy... Would you.... " He hesitated, thinking of what to say. " Would you Live for me?....Hm?" He stared at me waiting for an answer.

"Yes" I smiled ever so slightly while still staring into his eyes.

"Careful." He said raising his finger up "Do not say this Oath... Thoughtlessly." He but his tattooed hand over my mouth. "Desire becomes Surrender, Surrender becomes...Power" He removed his hand and put a finger on my lips. "Do you want this?"

"I do" I responded.

"Say it, Say it, Say it" he threw his head back and then looked back into my eyes while stroking my cheek. "Pretty, Pretty, Pretty, Pretty, Pretty, Pretty, Pretty Please?" He repeated.

"Please." I said in a somewhat desperate way. My eyes filled with desire.

"Aww God you're so... Good" He Grinned while holding my chin up. I walked towards the edge, looking down at the chemicals then back to Mr. J. I held my arms out to the side and fell backwards into the Chemical bath.

~Joker's POV~
After Tessa had fallen into the Chemical bath I started to walk away... But I couldn't leave her down there. I grit my teeth and threw my head back thinking. I had been defeated by my own feelings. I growled in frustration, took off my jacket and threw myself into the chemical bath.

I dove to the bottom and Lifted Tessa's body to the surface... The dye from our clothes was being stripped to make a dark green color. I softly pushed my lips onto hers and saw her eyes open wide she smiled and pulled me back into the kiss. I soon broke the kiss and started laughing evilly.

~Tessa's POV~
I giggled lightly at Joker as he laughed while holding me in his arms. I felt a transformation and felt a bit... Crazier. I wanted to be loud, I wanted to embrace the moment.

"Baby nobody, nobody knows You got my hooked up on the feeling... You got me hanging from the ceiling!" I grabbed Jokers hand and got us out of the chemicals he was smirking obviously proud that he had succeeded in making me the perfect queen for him. "You got me up so high I'm barely breathing, So don't let me, don't let me, don't let me, don't let me go." I sang and smashed my lips into Mr. J's.

"I love you, Puddin"

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