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*....Hey... I'm. Like 90% sure ive used this picture before^🙄🤔
And... HEY MY FRENS ITS BEEN A FEW MONTHS! It's actually been the most emotional few months I've ever had. I met someone amazing in August and now all we do is throw shade and give each other dirty looks. Whatever. It's hard.*

~Tessa's POV~
"I'm just happy that you're safe" Joker grinned and passionately kissed me. I smiled and kissed him back. A few moments later Joker and I broke apart for air.

"God I've missed you so much" J held my cheeks. I chuckled and hugged his waist tightly.

"I love you, J" I smiled as J held me tightly.

"I love you too, Tessa. I have something for you. You have to shut your eyes" J Smiled and led me to another room of the house.

"I know you've always wanted one... and I have no clue what to do with it so... Oh, you can open your eyes now." J gently removed my hands from my face. I stood there confused as to why there was a rather large box in the floor.

"Um... What is I-" Tessa was interrupted by a small Whine. Her eyes widened as she turned her head from J to the Box.

"No... No fucking way... You didn't..." Tessa slowly approached the box and removed the top, immediately throwing the lid and covering her face. She quickly swooped up the tiny Pitbull puppy from the box.

"YOU GOT ME A PUPPY?!" Tessa shrieked and investigated the puppy.

"I wanted to get you something you've always wanted." J smirked but kept his distance from the dog.

"I LOVE HE-" Tessa lifts the puppy to check the sex. "I LOVE HIM!! Awe he's so fuckin cute!! His name is Max... No negotiations. Max." Tessa continued to snuggle the squirmy pup. J chuckled and started to walk away.

"I have some work to do. You can keep bonding with 'Max'" He continued out the door.

"Love you! And I love you too Maxy! You're too cute" Tessa smiled and kept complementing the puppy. "I love you!!"

*Time skip*

~Tessa's POV~
After a while Tessa ended up on the couch with Max in her lap. She decided to head off to bed. She carefully lifted Max into her arms and started walking to her and J's room.

"Hey Hey Hey! He's not sleeping in our room!" J shouted from down the stairs.

"Where's he gonna sleep? He's staying with me Dude!" Tessa snapped back and closed the door to her room. She laid down on the mbed with Max in front of her. Tessa slipped back to sleep.

~Jokers POV~
A few moments later I decided to head off to bed. I entered my room and saw Max laying next to Tessa. I growled and snuck into bed. Max growled lightly when I touched Tessa.
"Hey! She's mine, pooch! Well at least I know you're not afraid to attack."  I chuckled and laid on my side quickly falling asleep.

*That was short, but I'm back!!*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2017 ⏰

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