Definition of A Thug

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Karma in Multimedia




Karma'Lisse Calhoun


5 years ago

"I love you, don't ever forget me" he said as he boarded the plane to go pursue his dreams as a freshman at New York University or NYU for short. Little did he know, I had a piece of him growing inside of me. He thought I was going to Berkely College but I wasn't.


"Where the fuck is my money?!" I screamed at the crack head that owed me money. "I don't-" he started. I shot two bullets, right through his skull. "Wrong answer." I said coldly then went through his pockets finding 2000 dollars and a solid gold key. "Pierce, go to his spot and see if this key fits any of his locks!" I yelled to my most loyal worker and right hand man. "On it, boss lady." he replied. I went into my office, and started counting my money, it was hard being at the top but being lonely at the same time.

Wait, before I begin, let me introduce myself, my name is Karma'Lisse but everyone calls me Karma, ahh the irony, right? Let me get back on track, I'm 22 years old, and people tend to call me, 'pretty' or an 'eye-catcher', I can't really describe myself, because I used to be really insecure about my shape, I used to be 240 pounds, I was nowhere near thick, in fact I used to always be insecure about it until he came into my life, he was the most popular boy in school, he taught me to love myself and not give a fuck about what others think. There was a time in my life where I was at my lowest and he came at just the right moment and made me into a better version of myself, he loved me when I didn't love myself and for that I'm forever grateful. He was my first everything, when he first got on that plane, I went home and cried, I was pregnant with his seed but didn't want to trap him in the hood, I wanted him to live his dream. Eventually, the calls went from 'everyday' to 'every other day' then 'once a week' then 'once a month' then one day I called and the number was out of service, sometimes I call the number just to make sure it is still out of service. 

Oh yeah, let me get back to the topic, after he left, I started going to the gym and getting everything toned and shaped, I woke up one day and was at my heaviest weight ever 280 pounds. I had rolls everywhere and started to fall into a depression, my breaking point was when he mysteriously stopped calling, after that I was done, I had to throw all the snacks and junk food away, I then hired a part time chef, who prepares our healthy meals in the morning, and packs baby girl's lunch. After that I lost 100 pounds after a strict and vigorous diet and exercise plan, called the insanity workout. I'm still thick but in the more appropriate places. I didn't do this for him, but for myself, he just broke me down, I had to build myself back up. I bet you're wondering how I got all this money right? Well it all started when I was coming back from the airport..


I went home and my mom was sitting on the couch, she looked sad, "Mom what's wrong?" I asked with sympathy. "I have cancer.... and David broke up with me." She whispered softly. "He broke up with you because you have cancer?!" I yelled angered at the thought of that sick bastard playing with my mother's feelings, "No, because I have a SLUT ass daughter, you don't think he told me?" she said pushing me off of her. "Mom, what?" I said starting to sweat, "He said that you're pregnant and don't know who the baby daddy is, and that he can't have that ruin his reputation, if I wanna be with him, honey, you gotta bounce!" She yelled in my face. "Stupid bitch, you're 'man' molested me, and abused me until my 'baby daddy' beat his ass. You know what fuck you! I'm out!" I yelled back. "You don't even know your baby daddy's name, do you?" she spat laughing, "Bitch, get out my business, and go to hell." I said coldly,

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