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So this party is a no I can't believe I agree to this in the first place. Looking in my closet seeing If I could find something decent to wear. Before I could even finishing looking my phone start to ring. I looked at the caller ID oh Ericka

'' Heyy Ricc''

'' Heyy babe what are you doing I'm outside waiting on your slow ass''

'' Um I didn't know we were going any where now I'm not even dress I'm already going to this party what else do you want.''

'' Well I want to meet my baby daddy Dylan O' Brien we get marry have 12 kids and my body still look like Beyonce but Hey! you can't have everything''

'' Ok I'm about to get dress just come up you know how long I take with my hair.''

'' Damn you right I'm coming''

Few minutes later

GOT IT. Finally I made up my mind I going to flat iron my hair and wear my off shoulder black shirt and skinny jean and be done with this I'm not getting all dress up for this shit.

'' L you look amazing'' See this is why I love Ricc she always so positive about things her heart is made of pure gold I'm so proud call her my best friend. Her complexion is lighter than mine more of a caramel. She has curly blonde type hair with a curvy body unlike mine. She simply gorgeous.

'' Ricc I'm not sure about this party maybe I shouldn't go I mean look at me I haven't been a party since forever.''

'' Oh shut up your going you look fine to me. Your acting like this is a job interview tonight is to have fun and maybe find you a man.''

'' A man is this what this is about? ME getting a man''

'' No it's you getting the hell out the house and having fun your freaking 20 years old living like your 45 years old live a little L.''

Damn it I hate it when she's right.

'' Fine'' I groaned

'' Yaayyy let's go''


Pulling up at the club we past by a rather large group of girls all of them were half naked to me. Where the hell is their mother? Jesus. I just shook my head.

'' You ready L''

'' Hell no you saw them girls they look like their going to a strip club.''

'' That's them being hoes not
us we here to have fun remember that now get the fuck out my car'' she laughed

I couldn't help but laugh too '' Alright I'm out'' I said stepping out the car. Then I saw thing long ass line to get inside. People actually do this.

'' Uh Ric are we about to stand in that line''

'' Girl please unlike you I'm known around here follow me'' She said flipping her hair behind her shoulder

I follow her to the front of the line
we can't skip all these people.

'' Hey Big Daddy'' Ricc flirted with the guard

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