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" So I look like a flower"

" No but you are similar to one"

" How the hell am I similar to a flower" I laughed this guy is really not giving up

Before he could respond some women walk up to who ever this guy is

"Ash baby where have you been ?" She asked

She was wearing a skin tight black dress having her breast on display for everyone to see.

" Diana what did I tell you about calling me that "

" What baby? that's what you are my baby and who is this "she said looking directly at me

" She doesn't concern you "

" Ash I never knew you liked black women oh baby did I break your heart so bad you had to date a whole other race " she said sounding sorry for him

This women is crazy as hell I need get out of here this is too much for one night I don't know if he noticed me backing away from them but after I walked out of the club. I pulled my phone out to call Ricc I have no idea where she went

" Come on Ricc on pick up the phone " but she didn't damnit now have to go back in there

As I walked back in I found her quickly talking to some guy flirting her ass off

" Ricc where the hell you been? "

" Oh hey L I want you meet Travis. Travis this my girl Lauren" she said innocently

" Hi nice to meet you " I said smiling
Travis was pretty handsome sandy brown hair and deep set of dimples he was cute but he's nothing compared to that other guy I didn't even get his name. Ash I think that what that girl was calling him.

Why the hell am I thinking about him

" Oh so your Lauren I've heard a lot about you "

" How when she just met you ?" I frowned I looked at Ricc confused so they know each other already

'' Oh well she very drunk and needed someone to vent to and you was mentioned a lot '' Travis laughed

'' Ricc come on let's go

" Waitt-t I'm not ready to go" she slurred

Oh great and she's drunk I promised myself I wouldn't go to any party or club with her because she gets a bit wild and last time we were at some club downtown and she almost got rape by some guy thank God I founded her in the bathroom before anything happened. She was so mad at me because I'm a buzzkill and she hates me so much. I didn't get mad at her she was drunk and high so she didn't mean the things she said but some reason I came tonight with her hoping things were different I guess not.


" L I'm really sorry about tonight"

" Yeah whatever Ericka" I rolled my eyes at her

" No seriously I'm sorry I didn't mean to drink so much tonight I don't know what happened I know your only doing this because you care about me"

" If you know that why do you keep doing it Ricc you have a problem"

" I-I don't know " she choked and started breaking down in tears

" I love you to death but you need to get help don't think I don't know about that empty bottles of ciroc under your bed" I reached over to with open arms to comfort her

"What are you trying to say ? you think I have drinking problem or something your overreacting I just get a little stress and have a drink or two jeez I didn't know you think of me so lowly"

" No no you got it all wrong I- "

" No you got it wrong you think you can change me but you can't I love you too L but I don't have a problem I don't need help so please stop bothering me about it this is my life not yours. This is the last conversation about this okay?"

" Okay fine I won't bring it back up"

If she wants me to stop trying to be a good caring friend then fine it's her life and I can't make any decisions for her.

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