A letter from a stranger

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Chapter 1 :

Don't let go of my hand
Let's walk side by side
My amour I love you
Don't stick your coldness on my mouth
I will steal you with a kiss

Mr Jake : good work Malik, you can rest noe

Malik : thank you sir <<he drank the bottle of cold water >>

Jake : you're getting better at singing now

Malik : yes I guess I am

Jake : your fans are waiting for you Malik,

Malik : yes sir

<<he walked to the backstage and breathed calmly>>

Malik : Ishuzu.. * he took the necklace out *
<<the curtains opened as he stepped in front the band holding the microphone in his hand >>

The fans cheered up for him as he started singing the fan screamed in joy

<<he was watching in the darkness with his friend >>

...: he's quite skillful

.... : hands off he is mine

.... : geez I was only giving a compliment Marik

Marik : shut it Kitty

Bakura : I am not a Kitty , I have a name you know

Marik : yea yea, Mister grumpy pants Bakura

Bakura : try saying that again!

Marik : shhh! I don't want him to notice us in the public

Bakura * slapped his forehead *: I can't believe you marik

Marik : nyeh ~

Bakura : whatever

Marik : did you put that in his bag?

Bakura : yea yea I did

Marik : perfect, he'll go see it and he'll be mine!

Bakura : you seem so confident about it

¢ Staff rooms ¢

Malik * picked his bag and notices a letter falls from on top of it *

Yugi : Malik, what's that??

Joey : huh? What is what Yug?

Malik <<pointed to the letter >> : this

Ryou : a fan letter?

Malik * opened it slowly and carefully and took the letter out reading it *

Yugi : so what does it say Malik?

Malik : Dear my lonely Singer
I count the days and nights
To get you to my side
Shall you be mine? ~
Your secret admirer ^_^

Joey * took Malik to a manly hug laughing * : oh man, daddy is so proud

Malik <<sweat drops >>: d-daddy?

Yugi : okay , so this is the letter , but who is the sender?

Malik : as ryou said a fan

Ryou : well you get these so much <<he emptied his own bag from 55 fan letter and chocolate boxes >>

Joey : eeek , scary

Yugi : this is why I keep my bag at home and bring a small bag wrapping it around myself

Joey : hmhm~~~ is our little Yugi taken? Yamz is overprotective

Yugi : shut it Jo, <<he blushed hard >>
Joey : heehee

Malik <<watched them with a smile wondering about the fan letter he got , he went to his he to find balloons, chocolates, small gift with a writing in the wall ** I love you Amour **

Malik <<ran from his house scared and stopped in front the game shop panting breathing hard >>

Yami <<opened the door for him >> : oh, hello there Malik

Malik : Mr Yami, is yugi at home?

Yami : Yes, he is home

Yugi : Yami who is.. Oh Malik! Whats wrong??!

Yami <<helped the small teen inside the house and served him tea >>

Yugi <<got a shocked expression on his face when Malik told him about it>>

Malik : that's what happened.. Yugi I am scared that person is really serious about me

Yugi : do you want to stay over for the night?

Malik: yes please

Yami : you two can sleep together in Yugi's room

Malik : no, I will sleep in the guests room

Solomon : alright then, here some clothes for you and the bath is ready

Malik : thank you grandpa

Yugi and Yami laid together on Yugi's bed

Yami : habibi ^1^, are you alright ?

Yugi : I am worried about Malik Love

Yami: I am sure he'll be okay , that crazy fan won't get him here * the kissed Yugi's head then cheek then hand *

Yugi * smiled * : yes Yami, you're right

Yami * smiled softly * : goodnight Habibi

Yugi : goodnight my Yami

<<eyes travelled watching him sleeping >>

.... : hmhm, little butterfly didn't like the surprise, but you don't be safe from me, I will make sure you'll be
Cherry : and here we have it
Malik: wow!
Marik : pretty skillful
Yami : I loved our last part
Yugi: hehe Habibi
Sakura : oh, that's right you reminded me Yugi , Habibi is a word I found when I was reading a fan fiction and it's meaning is..
Habibi = beloved
Cherry : hope you liked chapter 1 and to be honest, Sakura wanted it a surprise for KawaiiYugi and wassabiwendy , isn't she so cute!!

Sakura * blushing hard * : cherry..
Yami : hehe, aww if you liked the chapter
Sakura : hit the comment box below and write a cute comment like you follower readers
Yami * winked *: bye ~

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