When Things Don't Go Your Way

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The art show was only a week away, but, I still didn't know what to draw. It was hard because I had no inspiration. And plus, I'm a huge procrastinator so of course, I waited until last minute. I don't even have a sketch down!

If you're wondering what happened with Connor, he's still mad at me and Lexi. He won't even look at us anymore. I yelled at him a few times to answer me but he doesn't. Why is he so upset about this? Maybe because all his life he thought that he was an orphan...

Jae told me not to worry about it but it's hard not to. My twin brother hates me and my cat because we lied to him. I'm a liar..That doesn't settle well. "You didn't lie to him. You just kept a secret. Everyone keeps secrets." Jae said to me. But, I still felt like a liar.

I was with my dad in his lab, which was in our garage. I'm usually not allowed in there, but this time my dad allowed me. I was sitting upside-down in one of the chairs complaining to my dad.

"Dad, he's still mad at Lexi and I! And I don't know what to do!" I said.

"Well, sweetie," he said while cleaning one of his flasks, "Connor is a very timid and confused boy. He thought he was one way all his life. Sorta like you, Ell."

"Dude, seriously?" I stood up and walked over to him. "I didn't shut you out for weeks after I found out! Yeah, I was shocked, but c'mon dad, really?"

He cleaned off his lab table. "Ellie, he's different. If you found out you had a twi-"

"Are you kidding me? Dad, you told me that we were twins once Connor moved in. That was kept a secret from me my whole life! But I didn't freak out!"

"Ellie..." he turned to me.

"It's just..." I sat down on the floor, "I feel like he doesn't want me to be his sister..."

From behind us, a flask fell to the ground and shattered. Then my dad started speaking.

"Åh pojke...(oh boy)" he said in Swedish under his breath.

"Far, vad är fel? (Father, what's wrong?)" I said.

"It's fine. Get me the dust pan." I walked out of the lab to get the dust pan for my dad. I could hear him say something incomprehensible as I left. I gave him the dust pan and then went in my room. I played on my phone until I fell asleep.

*the next day*

At school I got inspiration! I decided to draw myself in my fire witch form. It would go with the fantasy theme of the show. No one will know this is actually me. I sketched out the drawing at school and at home I coloured it with my coloured pencils. I was so happy. And everyone congratulated me. It was awesome. And it was just in time for the art show!

Connor was still being really salty about the twin thing. I tried showing him my drawing but he used a magic lock on his bedroom door so I couldn't get in even with a key.

"Connor can you please let me in!" I started banging on the door.

"Stop knocking! I'm not letting you or your stupid cat in here! Stop even trying..." He mumbled the last part so I didn't hear it.

"Look, I know I messed up, but you got to cut me some slack here! I only knew three or four months before you did. It's not like I knew this my whole life..." I slid to the hardwood floor against the door.


"At least you got to have your powers...those were not only stripped away but kept hidden from me...please...is it something with me?" He stayed silent. I got up.

"I didn't know you hated me that much..." I said. I walked slowly back in my room and took a nap before dinner.

At the art show, things were going pretty well. My dad and little sister were there along with aunt Selene and my friend Bri. Bri was also in the art show. She made an oil pastel drawing of a Disney princess. I'm pretty sure she made Ariel, but I couldn't go over and look. Connor wasn't there, as expected.

I named my drawing "Her True Form". Like I said, it was me as a fire witch, but no one knew it was supposed to be me. But a lot of people liked it.

Right before the judges made the decision of who won, a portal opened up. I saw a familiar face.

Hades walked up to me. There was 10 feet of space between us. Everyone went running out, going to the gym on the north side of the school.

"Ellie Brown! Long time no see." He grinned.

"Step away from my daughter!" My father shouted. It was the first time I saw him in his werewolf form.

"Shut it you mangy mutt," he created a barrier. My aunt, father, and sister were on the outside. Me and Hades were inside of it, facing off. I clenched my fists. Green fire ignited from them. My eyes were a darker green.

"If this is for the stone, I don't have it!" I shouted.

"But you know where it is, don't you?" He said. I winced at him.

"What makes you think I'll tell you?" I said angrily. He pulled out a sword and charged at me. I took out my katana and blocked him with it.

"I'll just have to fight you until you tell me!" He yelled.

I pushed him back. We circled each other. I charged at him but he pushed me back. I fell to the ground. He pointed his sword at me.

"You are grounded. I overpowered you. You're too unstable. You don't know your powers yet, either. You're pathetic!" He laughed, "now tell me where it is!"

"You think me being bested in a damn sword fight's gonna bring me down? Ha! You're out of your bounds, 'King of the Underworld'. I'm not telling you where the Secrets Stone is," I smirked, "You can kill me a thousand times over and I'll still be loyal." He was dumbfounded. Hades didn't expect that response.

"So..y-you want to die?"

"W-WHAT!? NO! That's not what I-nevermind..." just as I ended, I heard footsteps from behind Hades. I guess he heard them too because he turned around.

"What are you doing with my sISTER!!" He shouted. It was Connor. He had his head down, but as he yelled, he quickly jerked his head up, revealing his eyes were now bright blue. Connor was pissed.

"Connor....?" I whispered.

"Wait...you two are..." Hades said, trying to connect the pieces.

"If you wanna hurt her more...you are gonna have to go through me!" He raised his right hand. His palm started glowing blue. The same with his eyes. It was a blaster.

He blasted Hades with the large laser. Hades flew back. He was slammed into the side of the barrier, making it crack. He slid to the ground. Then he got up, panting.

"You kids cannot defeat me, even when you're together. You win this round, but trust me, you won't win the next..." Then he created a portal and left. The barrier disappeared.

I ran up to Connor. He raised his hand up to give me a high-five, but I hugged him.

"Jag förlåter dig, syster...(I forgive you, sister)" he whispered to me. The rest of my family came in for a group hug. Everyone at the art show came back. They cheered because it was clear we won.

"We found our winner! But after the recent event, Ellie Brown is stripped from her crown and is disqualified."

"What...!" I clenched my teeth.

"Well, you brought your friend here, who destroyed our whole show so, we have decided you are now disqualified from the art show. Hope you understand." She smiled.

"He's not even my friend-"

"Ellie, just let it go." Connor said.

"The new winner is Bri Canova!" Everyone clapped.

Even though I was mad, I still supported my friend. But, I still won in a way. Connor forgave me and we fought against Hades!

That made me proud of my family...

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