The Piano Man| Part 3

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After waiting for half an hour, they served the long awaited meal. As predicted, mother got agitated fifteen minutes after the piano man left. It was her tactic. Father worshiped the ground she walked on, which made him blind to the manipulating and flirting she'd do to get what she wanted.

She'd get angry when things didn't go her way.

One time, we were waiting in line at the theatre -one of the many places my parents would bring me and my sister when we were younger- like normal people. It was a taste of what a life without having any privileges due to money was like. But unlike me, mother didn't appreciate to be treated like a normal person, didn't like to be kept waiting. So, she got agitated and when father asked her what was wrong, she gave him one of the lamest reasons to get angry. I remember she said "It's taking too long" It had been ten minutes.

The lanky man at the information desk not far from the theater doors looked like he wanted to burst of anger when my father came to bribe him. He had been confronted by four people already who he had all denied passage to. I observed the man as my father talked to him. A look of recognition shot through him when the man lifted his head from the expensive computer he had on his desk. Plastering a fake smile as he was talking to my father, they communicated. My father spared a glance at us and pointed to his beloved girls. Twelve at the time I was not the girliest girl on the block, my sister was. At fifteen, the girl was a beauty. We apparently were going to assist a famous pianist's concert. I had not paid attention to his name. The man's eyes darkened as he took in my sister. I had backed up a few steps, unconsciously hiding behind my mother. Like if she felt my presence behind her, she turned around to find me taking shelter behind her skinny body.

When I was younger I wished she was fatter so that I could put my head on her chest and feel comfortable instantly, not feeling her bones and muscles.

Her eyes softened as she looked at me but it lasted just a moment. She turned around as if I wasn't there and continued observing father's exchange with the perverted man at the desk. He had let us in after a little persuasion and flirty looks from my sister.

That night was one of the best nights of my life even though it had started off on the wrong foot.

The man's name was Louis Martin. The man was about father's age. I looked at him while he was sitting down on the black leather topped bench with amazement. He looked around observing his surroundings, and we locked eyes. The man studied my features with his deep green eyes. A smile spread on his lips, his eyes had this glint that I could never forget. He turned around and started playing. I watched with amazement as only the piano and the man mattered.

That day was the day I decided that I would play the piano.


"We're going to leave now."

I looked at my mother perplexed at her boldness to draw attention to herself by leaving before everybody. I wasn't going to let her include me in her little stunt.

"Go, I want to stay for a little while."

She looked at me suspiciously, not answering my demand.

"We're taking the car, do you want me to call-"

"No father, I'll take a taxi home. Its fine, I can take care of myself."

He nodded and he and mother stood up to leave, taking their coats with them. They had turned heads, like mother wanted. As my parents left the hall, the gazes of all the socialites and business tycoons landed on me. Keeping my expression blank, I continued eating my meal alone at a table covered with a white tablecloth, in the middle of a room where everybody was feeding off of my humiliation.


"We thank you all for your time and have a nice evening!"

Applauding like all the other people in this room, I exhaled a breath of relief thanking the person up there that the event was finally finished.

The man walked down the stage and everyone started to leave, taking their coats and purses. We were in the middle of a typical winter in the upper east side of New York.

I sat down not moving from my seat. Not making any move to take my belongings and leave. I stayed rooted in the chair waiting for the people to clear out. People were looking at me with strange looks, it's not like they didn't before. When the room cleared of the business men and their trophy wives the man who was on stage came towards me asking:

"Young lady, we are going to shut the lights off. We need you to leave."

I ignored the demand and asked the man:

"Could you please wait, you can turn off the lights; I just want the stage light if that's alright with you?"

"I'm afraid I can't do that miss, you need to leave." He said with an annoyed look on his face.

"You don't need to worry. I know how this works." I said calmly with a small smile.

"You know what, can you just tell me your name and I'll see." He said at the end of his patience.

I knew that my name was going to get me the authorization I needed. My family financed the building, but I wanted to use my name as the last option but apparently I needed to use it now.

"Anna Thanton"

Recognition seeped through his features. Realizing that his career may be over by the snap of a finger, he immediately started sucking up to me:

"I am sorry Miss Thanton; I will come by in a couple hours to close the lights. Does that arrange you?" He said with a shaky voice.

I rolled my eyes, my annoyance clear. I calmed myself and said a smile on my lips:

"No need to come by, I know how this works. The janitor form ten years ago- Stetson Manning - showed me the lighting when my parents were visiting what my paternal family's money had made."

Relaxing a bit the man gave me the key asking:

"Can you lock the doors when you leave then?"

I nodded. He moved towards the doors. My back towards him, I heard the door open. There was a pause where he didn't make any move to close the door.

"Have a nice evening Miss Thanton." He said.

I didn't reply. He closed the door leaving me alone. It was only me and the piano. 


Hey, guys!

This is part three of The Piano Man

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Matie ;p

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