The Piano Man| Part 6

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It is imperative you listen to the song above. 


The Piano Man

I couldn't believe it. I never had a best friend but I knew it must've been difficult for her. I had many friends, they disappeared with time. It seems that all friends disappear with time, even the best of them, either from death or an ultimatum. My mother used to say that good friends are rare. Words of wisdom my mother would say even if she was sick. She'd have her moments of lucidity.

"What about you. What's your sob story?"

I looked over at Anna. Her beautiful blue eyes were dazzling with humor.

"Well, mine is pretty sad." I joked. It earned me a chuckle. "No but really, what's your story." She asked me with seriousness. "Where do I start? Let's start with my goldfish Betty shall we." She looked at me, annoyed by the stalling I was doing. She gave me a firm look. I exhaled a breath knowing that childish humor was not accepted in the conversation anymore. "Okay, I have a pretty dysfunctional family. I have a little sister called Alexandra Landford. You probably talked to her once." Anna nodded vigorously. "She's one of my sister's best friends. Camilla once told me she was a fashion designer or something." I nodded. "She's the creator of A. Landford Designs. Well, my parents didn't want her to become a fashion designer. But she's strong and pursued her dreams without the help of her parents and I am so proud of what she's become." I smiled proudly at Anna and she sighed. "I wish I could have a sibling like that, proud of what they are."

"Her dad is pretty proud of her too"

Her perfectly sculpted eyebrows scrunched together in a frown. "Her dad?"

"Yes, her dad divorced her mom when she was eight and her mom lived alone until her mom met my dad and kaboom, were a family."

"What about your mum?"

"My mom was sick." Her eyes widened. "I'm sorry." There was a pause where none of us talked. "I'm sorry to ask but what was her illness?" I inhaled a breath and exhaled slowly. It seems we all have our sensitive topics. "She had Parkinson's disease."

She inhaled a sharp breath. She came over to me and hugged me tightly. I hugged back and rested my head on hers and inhaled her sent. It was of vanilla.

She pulled back after a moment. She took my hands and led me down to one of the front tables. We sat down.

"Tell me more about her."

I looked at her; she had a soft smile playing on her features. "She had dark brown hair like me. She'd let me play with it when I was little. She was a bank manager. She and my father met when he filed a complaint against one of her employees. They didn't get along at first due to the circumstances but they later fell in love. I don't know how; my dad never bothered to answer my question. She had these hazel eyes that I will never forget, even if she isn't here anymore." She nodded understanding completely.

"I remember she used to play the piano with my father when I was young. They used to play for me on Sunday afternoons."

She nodded and put her head on the table. She wasn't looking directly at me; I could see she was deep in thought.

I remember the day they had played the infamous song for me when I was ten. The crisp morning air was coming through the open French doors. My mother and father were sitting on the bench together and I on the floor cross-legged. I looked at them with admiration. They started playing, their hands moving together as if they were only one person. The music was comprised of two voices; the reason they played together. It had been so beautiful.

"Anna I need to show you something." She snapped out of her daydream and looked at me confused. "What?" She asked. "I need to show you something." I took her hand and led her to the piano.

We sat down and I showed her the second partition layed out on the partition holder. "Can you play this?" I said eager. "I can try." Her features were laced with uncertainty.

Standing behind her I heard the beautiful melody coming into place. I closed my eyes savoring the music until she stopped. I opened my eyes and looked at her. Her blonde hair on her shoulders; her features still holding uncertainty.

"I'm not sure I can do this."

I smiled at her and said reassuring her: "You can. Here let me help you." I placed myself directly behind her. I slid my arms between her arms and waist. I pressed my torso on her back. She visibly relaxed in my hold leaning against me. I then put my hands on hers and we started playing together as one. She turned her head slightly and smiled at me warmly brightening up the room. The music was beautiful, she was beautiful. I placed butterfly kisses on her neck and she exhaled a ragged breath. She arched her neck allowing me more accessibility. I continued kissing her. I then placed myself beside her, playing the second voice when I knew she had the hang of it. She looked at me and smiled adoringly. I smiled back. My heart was beating fast and there were butterflies in my stomach. We both continued playing, pouring our hearts out; our feeling for the world, out feelings for each other.

When the music stopped we stayed still for a moment; thinking about what had just happened. I turned to look at her. Her eyes were darkening, her face inching closer to mine. When our noses were touching I could see the flecks of gold her eyes were adorned of. She was so fucking beautiful. I didn't realize I said it out loud until she closed the distance between us.


Oh yeah! 

Annian is canon!

Here's a pun for you: Annian, you make me cry! Get it? 

Anyways, this was the hot chapter. Wink wink nudge nudge. 

Unfortunately, the story is coming to an end. 

But, since  it's a series, it's not the last you'll see of them! 

So, comment what you think, share and please vote so that people that may like it get a chance to see it. 


Matie ;p

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