Chapter 1

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Kim stood quiet and nervous as she waited for the judge to give his decision. The court room was basically empty so you could even hear her breathing and blinking which made her even more nervous. After 5 minutes of the judge studying some papers he finally cleared his throat.
"Ms.Diaz , after looking over all your paperwork I have decided to approve your emancipation". The judge said.

Kim grew happy , she tried her hardiest to hold back her tears but she finally said fuck it and let them rip. The judge took off his glasses and said "I have no choice. You have clearly showed you can care for yourself. You have a job. You budget very well. Very good for someone your age".

Kim was just only 17 but emancipating herself seemed like the only way to get away from her evil grandmother. Kim had been living with her grandmother since she was in 7th grade after her mom got into a accident and was placed into a nursing home. She was now in 12 grade and her mother was still in the same nursing home. Kim made it her duty to visit her mother whenever she had free time. Between going to high school and working a job , she made sure her mother seen her face. Kim was so happy , she wasted no time and quickly left the court house after receiving all her legal papers.

It was 10:34 at night but Kim still made sure to visit her mom. Her mom couldn't speak so Kim didn't expect much when she told her mom the news about finally being on her own.

"hi mommy" she said after kissing her forehead.

She put down her bags and said "guess what mother" while shaking the yellow envelope. As usually her mother just stared at her. Kim sat at the foot of her bed and pulled out the papers.

Before handing her one , Kim said "I'm finally legal to be on my own". Her mother just looked at the paper with no facial expression and not a word leaving her mouth. Her mother not giving her a response hurt her a little bit so she broke the silence.

"I know it's a little soon but in a couple days I'll be looking for an apartment. Grandma doesn't know yet but I don't think it'll really make a difference. I don't really care either".
Still no response from her mom , Kim rubbed her moms stomach and asked if she ate. Her mom nodded slowly. Kim asked her if she was tired and she nodded again. Without no hesitation , she tucked her mother in like she did every night she came to visit her.

She watched her mother drift off before she drifted off herself. She slept for at least an a hour before getting up , giving her mother a kiss on the forehead and leaving.

Kim entered her best friend apartment where she's been staying since her grandmother kicked her out.

Her best friend Maleeya and her mother was very welcoming. If it was up to them Kim would be staying with them until she left for college but Kim couldn't help but want to be independent. She knew the real world was gonna hit her soon and she didn't want any surprises.

"I hope that's Kim" , Maleeya mom Karen said from the kitchen. Tired and hungry was written across Kim body.

"It's me" she said after locking the door. Karen and Maleeya rushed to the living room.

"So what happened?" Her best friend questioned anxiously , waiting for her to give her the news about being emancipated.

Kim took the yellow envelope out her bag , before she could even hold it up ; Karen started jumping up and down clapping. Maleeya hugged Kim while saying "yes" over and over.

Her best friend paused and said "we need to celebrate". Kim immediately said "oh no no no no".

Kim wasn't the partying type. She stuck to school , cheerleading and working. She would stay home and read or study over a party shy day. But her best friend on the other hand ? Was a different story. She made sure he attended all events.

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