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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or places in this story, all I own is the story itself. I hope you enjoy! 

     "You, young elf, your heart beats with nothing but sorrow and hatred. It has been this way for some time now..." The deep voice pierced my ears and soaked in down to my core. It vibrated my very being with it's deep pitch. "Revenge is all your mind has been on recently..." Though I hate to admit it, this voice is right. I do want revenge against them.

     Against the demons.

     They burned down my home, took my family away from me. They turned my life upside down in a matter of an hour. I would be willing to give anything to see my family again, but I know that is impossible. So I might as well do the next best thing.

     These beings, ones that would go to the greatest of lengths to bring devastation to everything they lay eyes on. Though I am aware that not all beings, let alone elves, are entirely innocent. There have been countless occasions where the elves have sought to destroy with magic. But this world had finally come to terms with the use of it. We have learned from our mistakes, those that the monsters slaughtered had nothing to do with the past night elves' mistakes. They were helpless, they were beings that had little to no hatred in their heart and did not long for destruction. However, this, legion of demons knows not of one aspect.

     There are beings on this world that would sacrifice anything to save the people they love.

     I am willing to do anything to make sure no other family suffers as mine has.

     That must be the reason I am hearing this voice now. Low and hellish, this voice threatens to haunt me. I will not let it get that far.

     I stand now in the pool of green, thick liquid, the air around me turns foul. I can feel it. At the surprise of the water changing color, I had closed my eyes. I now rely on my other senses to determine what is happening around me. 

     A sour stench fills my nostrils and I cough, bile, as well as something I cannot recognize, come up from the depths of my stomach. I force my rapid breath to calm as I dare to speak out. "Who.. who are you?" I ask, eyes still glued shut. I strain my ears for any sign of a reply.

     "I am someone who can help." The voice says firmly, yet in the underlying tones I could tell that this being tried to sound as gentle as possible. "Open your eyes..." It, well, rather he, instructs me. I would not be one to deny a request as simple as this. I brace myself for what would next be witnessed. I know by the feeling that I am not in the same place I was moments ago.

     I opened my pale blue glowing orbs. My breath hitched at the sight. I am now standing in a forest similar to that of Darkshore, however the distinct color of the sky and landscape told me that it couldn't possibly be the same.

     The ground around me was covered in a blanket of dead grass. I looked down slightly, I was standing in an identical pool to that of the one I was in minutes ago. Maggots squirmed on the surface of the pool and I thought back to the sensation of bile and an odd substance working its way out of my stomach. It took all of my strength not to bend over and regurgitate the rest of what remained in my insides. I dared to turn my gaze upwards. The sky glowed a musty orange, similar to the color I saw that night. My eyes widened and glowed with fury.

     "Yes, yes, use that emotion to fuel you..." The firm, haunting voice instructed. "Use it...?" I didn't understand. What outlet could there possibly be to rid my mind and body of the hatred that nearly consumed me?

     "And to what lengths would you go to rid this world of the demons it now harbors?" He asked, his voice now suggestive.

     That's a good question.

     What exactly would I be willing to do to rid of the filth that dares to knock on our doorstep?

     A figure appeared in front of me. His stature was that of a giant. Larger than any of the flaming stone creatures that had invaded that night. Large horns jutted up from the base of his skull, bat-like wings spread out several paces from points on his back. But what was most recognizable among this creature's appearance was his markings. Specifically, the color of his markings.

     They glowed the sickly hue of the puddle I seemed to be stuck in.

     His eyes did so as well. The orbs glowed that green color under a thin strip of brown cloth.

     I looked at the monster. I stared into his eyes with my own furious blue orbs. "Anything."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2016 ⏰

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