
575 41 15

Name: I'm Skye

Position: Captain

Age: Believe it or not, I haven't even passed 14 yet

Dialogue stories: The Dumb Donut Dude and The Sidekick


How long have you been writing dialogue stories for on Wattpad?

Since last year December, I think.

How and / or why did you start?

I came to Wattpad mainly to read Minecraft fanfiction (cringy, I know) but then I wanted to write my own stuff and that's how I started. trust me, the first book was pretty bad.

Where do you get your inspiration for your stories?

I usually look at all the different campaigns on Wattpad and search for one that peaks my interest and then I try to write for it.

Why do you enjoy writing dialogue stories?

They're simple to write and I don't have a very good attention span so writing dialogue stories keeps me paying attention to it.

How long does it take you to complete a dialogue story?

Probably a couple months; it all depends on how much I enjoy writing the story.

What advice would you give to other dialogue writers?

Just keep writing and always try improving on expressing as much emotion as possible through your characters' words.

Why did you join Textroverts?

I liked the overall idea of a bunch of authors who write in the same style, collaborating and making one awesome book together.

What's your favourite dialogue story?

I'm not really sure, there are a lot of really good ones for me to just name one.

Who's your favourite dialogue writer?

I don't know, probably evethespy or analogically

​Tell us something interesting about yourself!

I sleep in a lot and the latest I've ever gone to bed was five in the morning and then I woke up at like, four in the afternoon. that's my record *shrugs*

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