~Chapter 10~

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Hey my beautiful amazing readers!!:) I just have one thing to say before you read and its VERY IMPORTANT!

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 2.5K+ READS!!! I swear, I almost bursted out crying when I found out. I don't really check the stats of my stories. And I haven't since 800 but when I saw this it made me want to update faster, I was gonna update tomorrow but I thought This would be like a Thank you, so here you go my lovelys:*!!!

P.S. it's pretty long:)


Chapter 10

Nicole's P.O.V.

We arrived at the mall and he parked the car. I woke up like five minutes ago and now I'm bouncing in my seat. I mean this is the first time I've seen the world in a while. How I've missed it.

I opened the door but before I could get out, a hand caught my wrist and I was pulled back in. I looked at Jason and waited for him to speak.

"Listen to me clearly, and listen good. I don't want you pulling anything on me. Even if you tried, I'm one step ahead of you. Don't yell, it won't work I have a bomb in my pocket, you get to choose your freedom for the rest of your life with me. I suggest you choose it wisely cause this is the only chance I'm giving you, do you understand me?" he said sternly his eyes turning dark.

I replied with a simple "Yes."

"Alright then, I have an unlimited credit card, buy whatever you want. I don't care if you want to buy 10 of each just don't do anything stupid." he said once again sternly.

I just replied with yes.

"Now, you can open your door but you will be holding my hand the whole time were here, ok?"

"Ok." I went to open the door and once I stepped out, I felt once again free. That feeling didn't last long because I felt a hand intertwine with mine. I mentally groaned. Gosh, I really hope this goes by fast, his hand may feel warm but I just want him to get caught already.

He put on his shades and we started walking when he asked "Where to?"

Might as well take advantage of this chance, I knew where I was going.

"Forever 21." he nodded and once we were there I literally got almost every piece of clothing on the rack except of a few that just weren't my style.

Once we went out of there we were carrying like 13 bags and I decided to go to Pacsun.

We only got a couple bags but that was when I remembered, under wears and bra's.

I gulped back the lump in my throat. Great. Please note the sarcasm. Oh lord, what am I gonna do?!? I don't want to go in there with him and have him staring at me!

He interrupted my mini panic session. "What else is there? let's see we got you shoes, shirts, jeans, shorts, skirts, bags, jewelry..." he trailed off naming everything except those two things.

"We're missing something." he said and then it clicked. he smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"Where to?"

"Where to what?" I pretended to act like I didn't know what he was talking about.

"Oh you know what." he smirk only grew bigger. oh geez.

I blushed and whispered "Victoria secret..." I actually work at that store but ever since the whole getting-taken-without-notice, I'm pretty sure I'm fired cause I haven't showed up at all. I hoped they wouldn't recognize me with the way I look now.

"I'm sorry, What was that? I didn't quite hear you..." He said raising an eyebrow teasingly.

"Victoria Secret." I said blushing looking at the floor.

"My favorite place to go, hell yeah let's do this." he said grinning from ear to ear.

Once we got to the entrance of Victoria Secret, I was so shocked I felt paralyzed. There were posters of me EVERYWHERE. Saying 'if you see this girl contact LVPD.' then it had my dad's number on it. I felt tears on the verge of coming out. He actually cared that I was gone?

He wanted me to come home?

I was so hypnotized in the paper I didn't notice Jason telling me to stop staring and get in already.

I followed his directions and went to look for undergarments.

-Time Skip-

I was listening to the radio with my head leaning on the window re-thinking my latest experience at VS.

I was looking through everything when Jason decided to bring me thongs with matching bras. Everyone kept staring at me and I was so embarrassed I got mad at him then told him to fuck off and ran to the car.

Luckily he didn't overreact and apologized to me saying he was just trying to have a bit of fun.

Ha ha.


Okay, so maybe I was overreacting but I absolutely DESPISE being the center of attention, when it comes to pranks and jokes.

We got home and I was so exhausted, I went upstairs. Jason was on my trail so I decided to go to his room, he was carrying all the bags so I flopped on the bed and asked him a question I had been forgetting to ask him.

"Do you think you can get the doctor to come tomorrow? I've been way to tired these days and I want to know what's going on." I asked yawning.

"Yeah, sure. I'll call him right now and come back in a little for bed. Since everything went well today, you are allowed anywhere in the house, but don't try anything." he said calmly.

I nodded and soon found myself dozing off imagining I was the OLLG and Justin sang to me, ahh now that's life. I sighed contently and then... I was out like a light.



Chapter 11 coming soon.

Much love!

Thank you!


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