Step 1. Dont Trust Devious Boys Dressed In All Black

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Starting yet another year at PineWood High was just what I wanted.

Wait! I know this sounds like some cliche high school lovers novel you'd find on the shelf of a target, but it's so much more! Alice and I wish this was one of those but it's not.

Anyway, as it being our sophomore year at PineWood, we were somewhat in the groove of how high school was going. Oh boy were we wrong. It was so much more than just another normal year. We were stuck in between being upper class men and still being fresh meat.

Before we start this story let me take a short moment to tell you who we are.

I am Harley. The introvert artist you will forever find in the art classroom during my free time. My big picture dream is working as an artist for comics and or video games. And incase you couldn't tell by my name, my parents lend to me being a comic book geek.

My best friend Alice is a lot less shyer than me. Loud and fun and full of life. She's more on the musical spectrum and played piano once for a school play.

Emerson is the third best friend to our musketeer group. He is quirky and basically the equal mix of me and Alice. He likes thinking he's cool and trying to hit on girls. I mean we can't blame him, if we had brothers like him, we'd think we were off the chain as well.

We've been friends since we could remember and haven't separated really since.

Although his brothers were two and four years older than us, we barely conversed with them once middle school came around. They weren't as into us as Emerson was. They weren't even into Emerson that much. His eldest brother, Sebastian, has since graduated but is still seen quite frequently in the school, often with the middle brother. They walk like shadows too each other. He has been told countless times too leave the campus but he can always change the deans mind almost, creepily. We didn't know much about him.

The middle brother is a senior named Remington. He's a lot more scarier looking than the oldest. Doused in all black with high black leather boots and sun glasses, he is a shadow himself. He's also a leader of like a pose of all Guys and some girls that dress the same way. Neither of them would be caught dead with Emerson in school.

But we would. And little did we know that there were dark secrets in all of us that we would have never of discovered if we didn't wind up at that party on Halloween.

We should've stayed home. We should've let Emerson fight this battle on his own but noooo we haaaad to get involved.

Oh who am I kidding, Emerson didn't stand a chance. But neither did we so that's fine, we could all die together.

Well let me back up and start at the beginning of that life changing day.


Friday October 30th 7:03am.

I opened my locker with a slam that hurt my head. It was still too early for this. I rested my forehead against the cold metal surface and took a deep breath, then exhaled.

"Hey kid." I looked up and saw Alice walking towards me. I gave her a half smile and straightened up.

"What goes on?" I suggested. She laughed.

"Nothing. What else happens at seven in the morning?" She shook her head. I shrugged. I'm the farthest thing from a morning person.

"Have you seen Emerson?" I asked checking my phone again. It was unlike him to not text me something weird first thing in the morning.

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