Step 3. Don't suggest Going Vegan To Vampires

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Alice and I watched in fear as the two brothers stared at each other not breaking eye contact.

"Sebastian they're my friends. They weren't on Remington's menu." Emerson said. He kept his arms out in an attempt to keep us from his brothers reach.

"Well now they don't have a choice. They know." His brother said, eerily calm. He looked up and beckoned over two other kids dressed in black. They looked like they could be professional wrestlers.

"Keep them company. I have to go deal with Remington and the others." Sebastian said and walked out of the room quickly. Emerson turned to face the two brutes that took steps towards us. He hissed again but it was no match for the guys who's eyes turned green when they growled back.

"This is fucking insane. Is this actually happening?" Alice asked throwing her arms up.

"Please tell me this is all a hoax. Are those contacts?" I pointed to the men's eyes. They snapped there heads to me and my knees instantly felt weak and I started to stumble. I caught myself and looked over at Alice. She was staring dead into the eyes of one of them. Her once brown iris' were foggy.

"Wait!" I threw my hands over her eyes. She snapped out of her trance and pulled my hands away.

"What?" She snapped.

"Don't look into their eyes! When you do it can affect you." I whispered to her while Emerson continued to cuss out the goons.

"What?" She asked. "But I saw something."

"Saw what?"

She swallowed and shook her head. "This isn't a dream. This bullshit is real. This is actually happening. I saw Remington and Sebastian but younger. I saw-"

"Hush mortal." One of the Roid Vamps, snapped at her.

She listened for once. She grabbed hold on the back of Emerson's shirt and held on tight. This is a disaster. We're going to die to creatures I thought were mythical but live right in this god damn town.

Time had never felt so slow. It was pain staking waiting to whatever was going to happen to happen to us. We knew we were going to be eaten. There was no way out of this.

Although it all started to make sense now. The two brothers never separating. Sebastian's mind tricks on the faculty at school. Remington's crippling stare and bad attitude, the two of them staying away from Emerson. Everyone wanting to be them.

Suddenly we heard screams of terror from upstairs and we all froze and huddled closer.

"What the hell?" I trembled pulling the two of them as close to me as possible.

"Did they just shoot everyone up there?" Alice asked meekly.

"Sort of. It's dinner time." Emerson said as we all stared at the ceiling.

"I can't believe they're eating without us." One of the goons mumbled to the other.

"Assholes." The second one shook his head. "Typical them."

"Have you tried tofu?" Alice asked, earning a growl from the goons.

"Hey." Emerson spoke up. "I'm one of you guys now. I'll watch them."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2016 ⏰

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Teenagers Guide To Vampires {Wattys 2016}Where stories live. Discover now