Step 2. When It Seems Like A Bad Idea, Don't Do It.

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Friday October 30th 9:00pm.

My phone rang, scaring the both of us out of our calm movie trance. I glanced at the clock at the bottom of the television, and then to my phone. Emerson's profile picture was on my phone screen. Alice peered over my shoulder as I answered.

"Ello?" I said swallowing the clump of popcorn lodged in my throat.

"Hey." Emerson sounded as weird as he did this morning. I could hear people talking and alternative music in the background.

"What's up?" I sat up more on the couch and pulled my legs under my bottom.

"Somethings not right here. There's a bunch of seniors or whatever my brothers group is and a ton of under class men. This is no average party." Em said.

"Dude I'm sure everything's fine." I reassured him.

"No but they're mostly girls who gawk over them or nerdy guys who want to be them. Complete opposites of both of them." He stated.

"Em you're gonna hate me but I don't think any things wrong." I sighed. I heard the music stop in the background and the chatter died down. There was a loud voice but I couldn't understand it. Emerson was silent.

"What's happening?" I asked.

Emerson's voice was more quiet this time. The music had returned but the chatter was minimal. "Remington just came into the room and said at ten, he wants most people gone, except for the exceptions he talked too."

I was quiet. Confused.

"Somethings not right. You guys need to get me out of here." He said. He did sound genuinely worried which was unlike our happy-go-lucky Emerson.

"Okay okay, we'll be there in thirty. Just let us get changed and we will be there." I said.

"Alright, bye." He said quickly and hung up before I could say anything.

Alice was looking at me confused, but still stuffing her face full of popcorn.

"Looks like the girls gotta go save the day." I stood up and brushed the crumbs off my shirt.

"Hm?" Alice mumbled.

"Emerson needs us. I guess shits getting weird at that party and he wants out big time." I brought the bowl of popcorn on my lap into the kitchen. Alice was right behind me.

"It's about time we got some action tonight. SENIOR PARTY HERE WE COME!" She yelled.

"We are just going to get Emerson." I said. She pouted but went to get her sweat shirt and shoes. I did the same thing and grabbed my Dad's car keys off the wall and put them in my pocket.

"You only have your learners permit." Alice reminded me.

"Oh well. I'm 16." I shrugged. She shrugged too and followed me out the door.


The traffic downtown wasn't the best but we still got there. It would've been easier if they didn't live on the opposite side of the town as us but oh well.

The music was loud enough that you could hear it outside. There were so many cars parked down the street that we had to park so far away. Meh we needed the exercise.

"Ugh I so wish I wasn't showing up to my first senior party like this." Alice gestured to her relaxed garb.

"Dude I'll say it again, we aren't partying, we are on a rescue mission. Operation get the pirate hippy." I said. Throwing up two fingers and flicking them towards the way of the boys house, and sneakily running off.

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