With You.

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The song is basically what this whole thing is based off of and i stg this fucking song i love it ailsa listen to Swimming Pool by Pegasus Bridge the song up there. Also the song below is relevant as well just a note okay

The first time Pete and Mikey visited the swimming pool after all those years was a Sunday afternoon in late July, for they had nothing else to do that summer day.

Pete grinned at Mikey , Mikey simply rolled his eyes in return, but Pete couldn't miss the way the corners of his lips quirked upwards, though only for a second, before vanishing, leaving the usual expression Mikey had on his face. That hard to read, poker face type look.

Pete had managed to convince Mikey to come to the old swimming pool with him. Well, it wasn't old, but to them it was. They no longer came here, leaving it a distant memory of the people they were years ago, while they were still considered kids. Pete missed that, he wasn't sure about Mikey, though. Mikey just didn't bring up the past much.

And now they weren't kids anymore. Not really. They were sixteen, they were both fucking old enough to get married in Scotland or something, they were considered adults in some places. It scared them. Mainly Pete but it did intimidate Mikey a little as well. When you think about it, in two years they're just adults. No longer kids.

Pete had always loved the idea of staying a kid forever, Mikey knew this. Three a.m conversations on the phone about the future told a lot, that was when he learned more about Mikey. Though he did know his best friend extremely well, Mikey never failed to surprise him with new things. He loved it.

So on the late July day they found themselves at the pool, no one was even there apart from there and they didn't get in the pool, not yet anyway. They didn't speak, why would they? Silence isn't always terrible.

Pete had an urge to take Mikey's hand, he also had an urge to kiss Mikey but he wouldn't. Of course he wouldn't, he wasn't stupid. And Mikey was leaving soon anyway, he had to move. Pete wouldn't see him anymore, he didn't want to accept that just yet. He had until September. Another month or so. He could ignore it for now.

Pete had known Mikey since they were about ten, and their mothers both forced them into swimming club or whatever shit was held at the swimming pool. For six years they'd known each other, six years for Pete to fall in love with his best friend, and not do shit about it because he was too scared. Too scared of rejection, of losing Mikey, of anything really. He couldn't take any risks that involved him losing his best friend, shit didn't work that way.

And in the end, the pair found themselves sitting at the edge of the pool, with their shoes and socks off, their jeans rolled up and their feet in the water, just staring. Mikey was staring at the water, and Pete was staring at Mikey. It was the simple cliche of unrequited love, seen so many times in movies, where it was romanticised or one of them was a friend zoning bitch. Take your pick.

Mikey wasn't a cliche, though. Not even close. He was complex. No one really knew Mikey fully, not even Pete. Hell, probably not even Mikey himself. He was unique and different, but that wasn't bad. More the opposite actually. Pete found it interesting, Pete loved it.

The two were quite a pair, Pete was that outgoing guy who everyone knows, and whenever you mentioned he did some insane shit, no one would ever be surprised, because that's just Pete really. And Mikey was the quiet guy who half the school didn't even know existed, and some only knew of him as the person who hangs out with Pete. They wouldn't be bothered to get to know Mikey, it's just how they were.

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