Chapter 52

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Chapter 52
Chloe's pov

Today Lori is coming over to my apartment because she has some big news to tell me. And apparently it's REALLY REALLY big.
She walks out of the lift with her mouth spread from ear to ear, before she follows me into the kitchen.
We make some coffee and make our way back into the living room and onto the couch. I was quite nervous for this. Is the news good or bad news? What could it be? I honestly had no idea what she was going to say to me, but when she told me, I knew that it was going to change my life, forever.
"UNIVERSAL STUDIOS WANTS TO MAKE A MOVIE ABOUT MY LIFE?!" I screeched with excitement. Universal Studios WHICH IS THE BIGGEST FILM COMPANY OF ALL FUCKING TIME, wants to make a movie, ABOUT MY LIFE nahhhh how is this happening to me?! This is literally a dream come true. I never thought anything like this would ever happened to me. Back when I was homeless, all I wished for was to be a Regular, normal human being who had a roof over their head, payed rent, had food to eat and a nice warm bed to sleep in. That's all I asked for, and I didn't even expect that. I never in a million years would have thought this would happen. I know, I'm being super cringy, but I am just so overwhelmed by all of this.
Lori told me that I had the great honour of naming the movie. They have to approve, of course. I thought about it for a while before finally making my decision. I wanted it to be short and simple, yet I want it to have a big meaning and effect to people. I also want it to be related to my life.  So it would have some meaning to me, too. And that's when I thought of it.
Hold On, Pain Ends. It was perfect!
We start shooting next week, and I could not be more thrilled. For the first week, we are going to be filming scenes of when I was younger, while I was still living with my mother and father.
tomorrow I'm going to meet with the director so I can tell him a bit more about my life and he could take some notes. I could not be more excited!

- sorry I haven't posted in so long, I'm on my summer break and I've been really busy. I'll post two more chapters today:)

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