Back To Gravity Falls

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Dipper sat awake on the bus, his eyes skimming over the journal he had found during his first summer at Gravity Falls. Ever since that trip two years ago him and his twin sister, Mabel, visited every summer. This year, however, was different. The twins were staying there for a year, which ment attending Gravity Falls high school.

Mabel was currently asleep on a separate seat, the one right in front of Dipper. Luckily they were the only two on the bus, or else lots of people would probably be complaining about Mabel's pet pig, Waddles. Mabel had won him at a fair during their first summer at Gravity Falls, and the two had become inseparable.

Said pig was snoozing under Mabel's seat, his snout buried in Mabel's limp hand. The bus slowed to a stop and Dipper woke his sister. They gathered their bags and got off the bus, Waddles following behind Mabel.

"Grunkle Stan, Grunkle Ford!" Mabel called out in excitement. Dropping her bags she ran over to her twin great-uncles, hugging them around the middles.

"Hey there, Mabel," Stan ruffled her hair, "Dipper!"

"Greetings Dipper," Ford said to the boy currently dragging the bags over to them, "Need a hand?"

"Well Mabel was supposed to be helping," Dipper said, glancing at his sister. Getting the hint, Mabel rushed over and grabbed all of her bags. Waddles, well, waddled over to sniff at Stan's shoes.

"I see you brought the pig again," Stan noticed.

"Of course, Grunkle Stan!" Mable beamed, "Why wouldn't I?"

Mable and Dipper carried their bags inside to the Mystery Shack, and upstairs to their shared room in the attic. Mabel set out a bowl of food and water for Waddles, who gladly gobbled up every crumb.

"So, are you two ready for school tomorrow?" Ford asked, entering the room after knocking.

"It should be interesting, to say the least," Dipper said, "We are prepared, though."

"Yeah, we have all our supplies and everything!" Mabel added. She pulled on a sweater. It had a picture of a ruler and a rock on it. The rock was saying 'You rule!' to the ruler.

"Well I'm glad you two are excited," Ford said, "Come on down for dinner and then you should get some sleep. Big day tomorrow."

"Right, big day," Dipper repeated, clutching Journal Number 3 to his chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2016 ⏰

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