▷▶Chapter 7◀◁

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~Lucy's P.O.V.~

I cracked open an eye. Darkness. And a moving chest, heaving with deep breaths. I looked up and saw Natsu's sleeping face. Damn he was cute. I wiggled out of his cuddle and made my way to the bathroom, but he looped a muscular arm around my waist and dragged me back. I was so not his bolster. I removed his arm and draped it back on the couch before leaving to brush my teeth and bathe.

~Natsu's P.O.V.~

Ugh. Where's my bolster. Where did it go...oh. Lucy's gone. Where'd she go? I stood up and walked towards her faint scent and saw a closed bathroom door with sounds of rushing water emanating from it. She's showering...oh yeah, school. I groaned inwardly and dragged myself to the bathroom.

~Lucy's P.O.V.~

I stepped out of the bathroom and took off the towel. Heading over to the hair dryer, I blew dry my hair and tied it into a low side ponytail. I stared at the school uniform. Well todays gonna be a good first day. It better be a good first day. I tugged on the white blouse that had a rounded collar and tied the two light blue bunny ear shaped pieces of cloth around the collar. I slipped on the goldish beige skirt that was a good eight inches above my knees and tucked in my shirt. Oh who cares. I untucked it and picked up the schoolbag Gray Nii-San bought yesterday and opened the door. "Look whos all excited for school," a pink haired idiot stood at the doorway. I smacked his arm and walked past him. "Breakfast, Luce." He pleaded. "Cook it yourself. I'm gonna make bacon and eggs." I brushed him off. He immediately looked serious, grabbed me and pinned me to the wall. "Luce, I remember the condition for you to stay was to make food like a good girl if I needed it." He whispered in my ear. My face heated up. "Ugh fine just get off me." I muttered and Natsu backed up, pleased about getting breakfast. So much for wanting to starve him.

After we finished breakfast, we grabbed our bags and headed for the door. I skipped ahead of him, but..."Hey you forgot to wear those." He called behind me. I turned and saw a pair of black leg stockings. Wow, what am I doing, cosplay? "No way." I rejected. "Looks like I'm gonna have to do this the hard way." He sighed and picked me up and dropped me on the couch. "Hey!" I whined. "Why did--mhmf." I protested, but was cut off by his lips. Dammit. "Good. I shut you up." he grinned and tugged the stockings up my legs. My cheeks were tainted heavily with red as I struggled to not freak out. Until he said "Ooh. Blue lace." Thats it. "SHUT UP" I yelled before standing up abruptly and wearing my shoes. I really gotta stop letting him have his way. I've only known him for two days and we already made out twice and kissed thrice. I dont even know him all that well.

~Natsu's P.O.V.~

LOL SHE SNAPPED AT ME FOR LOOKING AT HER PANTIES. It was a blue laced piece of heaven though...I strolled behind her and after we both got into my car, I revved up the engine and we took off for school.

-time skip, at the school gates, currently 10am-

~Lucy's P.O.V.~

SHIT SHIT SHIT WE'RE LATE FOR MY FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL THANKS ALOT FOR EATING SO MUCH NATSU. We got out of the car after he parked it and sprinted, correction, I sprinted to the school gates. Locked. "Thanks for making us late" I hissed at Natsu. "Dont sweat it." He rolled his eyes, picked me up, and swung me over the gates. I let out a soft shriek before landing lightly on the other side just as Natsu swung himself over. He grinned a wide toothy smile. I couldn't help but smile a little before racing to the office, him tagging after me. The lady with short white hair saw me and broke out into a sweet smile. "Lucy Heartfilia, am I right? Here's your schedule." Natsu stepped out from behind me and greeted her. "Hi Liss." The lady squealed and ran out, giving Natsu a bear hug. I felt a pang of jealousy, but quickly got rid of it. Natsu wasn't mine. I couldnt control who he mixes with. Not like I cared.
You do.
You know me very well, myself. Now zip it.

~Natsu's P.O.V.~

"Natsu! I thought you skipped school again!" Lisanna squealed, giving me a hug. "Wait...you arrived together?" She asked me, jabbing a thumb at Luce. Luce flinched a little. "Yeah. Gave her a lift." I shrugged, taking Luce's schedule from her and leading her out of the office. I swear I saw Lisanna narrow her blue eyes to slits at Luce, but right after I blinked her eyes went back to normal. Huh. Well time to bring Luce to class. I checked our schedules and classes. Wow, same. Except for one subject. Might as well take advantage of it. "Lets go to Chem, its in the classroom on the third floor." Luce was silent, her eyes glazed over. "Luce?" She still remained silent, as if completely shut off from the world. I shuffled to her back and blew at her ear. She squeaked and jumped and turned around to glare at me. "You okay?" I asked. Her look softened. "Just thinking." She skipped off ahead of me. I grabbed her arm and spun her around, wheels turning in my head. I evil-grinned. "Ooohh someone's jealous." I sang. She slapped the back of my head. Ow. "Shut it and tell me where do I go now." Hmph.

"C'mon, humour me a little." I whined. She glowered at me. "No thanks." She snapped. Sigh. "Well, looks like it's Chem class for us now, and we're in the same classroom." I told her. She brightened up a bit and playfully pierced my shoulder with her chin. "Ow" I hissed softly. She laughed. "Lead the way." I smiled.

~Lucy's P. O. V.~

Dammit why did I space out? There was a little discomfort when I saw Natsu with the white haired girl but...ugh stop thinking about it.

Natsu led me by the wrist and let go of me when we reached Chem class. A blue cat in a suit stood on the table. I raised an eyebrow. Wow, neko sensei. "Yo Happy Sensei" yelled Natsu as he walked in like he owned the place, I trailed behind him, looking around the classroom. "Nat-shu you're late." Happy scolded. "Ano, Happy...sensei?" I asked uneasily. "Oh, Lushy Heartfilia! Class, we have a new student. Her name is Lushy Heartfilia. Please take a seat beside....." Happy scanned the classroom. "...Levy McGarden." "O-okay." I complied and walked over to the blue haired, petite figure sitting by the window, raising her hand to tell me who she was. "Aww, pssht." Natsu looked bummed as he strolled over to sit beside a guy who was heavily metal pierced. Scary..."Nice to meet you, Lucy." Levy whispered as I sat down. "Pleasure's mine, Levy." I smiled. She was really nice.

Soon, class was over, and it was time for lunchbreak. I left the classroom, and was about to exit when someone caught my hand. "Levy?" I turned around. "Ne, Lu-chan, wanna sit with us?" She offered. She's pretty friendly. I looked behind her and saw a redhead with a commanding aura, a sweet long white-haired girl that bore resemblance to the girl in the office, a loud brown haired girl with easy-going mannerism, and a shy blue haired girl with pale skin. "You...would do that?" I asked. "You're new and you seem nice. It's the least I could do! I get a good vibe from you." Levy smiled. Something inside me swelled up and I grinned gratefully. "Thanks."

~Gray's P. O. V. ~

I looked at my sister Lucy mixing so well with the girls. I knew she wouldn't have issues fitting in here. Now for the bigger problem. I went up to Natsu and slammed my head on his. "Fire-breathing bastard, what did you do to my sister? She was late!" I hissed. "Stripper, I didn't know you were the overprotective type." He growled back. "You wanna go?" I snapped, punching his face. "I'll take you on bastard!" He roared, punching me back. "BOYS. FIGHTING, ARE WE?" I froze. Shit.

~Lucy's P. O. V. ~

I tilted my head curiously as the redhead marched up to my brother and Natsu. Judging by their scared expressions, things were gonna get ugly.

"BOYS. FIGHTING, ARE WE?" the redhead boomed, grabbing their heads and separating them, snapping their necks in the process.

Yup, really ugly.

"Sorry ma'am!" They whimpered.

"Pfft HAHAHAHAHA YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN YOUR FACES" I burst out laughing. Natsu looked at me, annoyed. "You should have helped me Luce. Erza's really scary..." He whined. Levy, the blue haired girl, the brown haired girl, the red head and the white head stared at me. Wonder why. "Lucy, why didn't you help your sexy sexy brother" Gray groaned, rubbing his neck. "Nii-san, clothes." I rolled my eyes. "Ahhhh shit." Gray groaned, looking for his shirt. And pants. Wow my brother hasn't changed at all.

The girls stared at me. "EHHHHHHH?"

Yeyyyyy I did another chapter...soooo how is the story so far? If anything is wrong please tell me so I can refrain from hurting your eyes and intellect with my terrible writing 😊

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