▷▶Chapter 14◀◁

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~(meanwhile, Natsu and Mira...) Natsu's P. O. V. ~

"Dragneel, care to tell me everything from the start?"

So I did.

I explained the contents of the video, starting from when I reached home and saw Lucy and Gray walking out with the luggage. Once I finished, ending with the part where Lucy screamed at me and left, Mira seemed deep in thought. "True, Lisanna seems like a possible suspect here. But why would she do something that is gonna expose her that easily?" "Beats me. I can't believe she would do that..." I groaned. Screw my reputation, Lucy's gonna be the talk of the school until something new happens. "I'll talk to Lisanna about this." Mira walked off. "Good luck finding her, imma look for Lucy." I left. I don't want to think about Lucy going on a rampage on me once she lays eyes on me. But I need to clear things up. Most of all, I needed a heart to heart talk with her. I turned around the corner but can't face to face with an obviously pissed guy with raven black hair.

"Let's talk, Dragneel."

I ain't scared of him, and I would beat him up if I wanted to, but things have changed. He's Lucy's onii-san.

I think the world hates me.

We went to the work out room and closed the door behind us. I looked at Gray. Who was, ahem, shirtless. Again. I was about to hurl an insult about him being a stripper, but remembered the situation. I stayed quiet. "Dragneel, explain all the crap about my sister." Gray ordered. My hands itched to punch his gut but I controlled the urge, and explained everything for the second time, this time including the video, and with more details. After I was done I asked him, "Fullbuster, or should I say Heartfilia, care to share what happened to her? What's with the scars? Neck, arm, and thigh." "Don't even get me started on that," Gray growled grabbing my collar and forcing me up the wall, I kicked his stomach and he stumbled back, releasing me. Gray glared at me with a look that could kill, and punched me in the face. Before I could swing a retaliation, he started shouting. "WHAT YOU SAID TO HER. WHAT YOU DID TO HER. SHE WAS BROKEN. WHEN SHE REACHED HOME SHE WOULDN'T STOP CRYING. SHE WENT TO THE KITCHEN, GOT A KNIFE AND SLIT HERSELF. HAD I NOT CHECKED ON HER AND FOUND OUT, SHE MIGHT AS WELL BE IN THE HOSPITAL FOR BLOOD LOSS. BASTARD, I WARNED YOU. DON'T HURT MY SISTER. NOW LOOK AT THE SHIT THATS HAPPENING!" Gray yelled, unleashing attacks at me with every sentence. I numbly took all of it. I was too dazed to even bother dodging. "What?" I mumbled. "I was--" "No. NO YOU F***ING IDIOT YOU WEREN'T JUST A FLING. SHE WAS HURT. TRULY HURT. I COULD TELL. EVEN THOUGH I HAVENT BEEN IN CONTACT WITH HER FOR TEN TEARS, I HAVE FRIENDS WHO WERE HER SO CALLED FLINGS. I'D SEE HER WITH THEM SOMETIMES BUT I NEVER KNEW IT WAS HER UNTIL I SAW HER IN YOUR HOUSE. THE WAY SHE TREATED YOU WAS DIFFERENT. EVEN THE WAY SHE LOOKED AT YOU." Gray bellowed, throwing me against the wall of the classroom. My back slammed and slid to the ground. Intense pain was gnawing and emerging from every part of me but I was numb. I felt angry. Sad. Most of all I was guilty. I got up slowly, and looked at Gray square in the eye. "Jackass." I murmured. "WHAT?" He was going to smash his fist in my chest but I continued. "I'm a jackass." He stopped short, his fist a centimetre away from connecting with my chest. "I wasn't thinking straight. I....need to find Lucy." I stumbled off.

~Gray's P. O. V. ~

I almost smiled when he said he needed to find her, but I decided to make things hard for him. He hurt my sister, besides, it's rare I get to beat him up without getting a scratch. Before he could limp out of the work out room, I grabbed his shoulder. "I'm not letting you go near Lucy." I hissed. "I MUST SEE HER" he roared and gave me a swift uppercut before running out, half stumbling since he was pretty badly beaten up.

Ow. Shit. Told you it was rare to beat him up without getting a scratch. But I grinned.

Looks like the idiot is maturing after all. I whistled and strolled out of the work out room, watching Natsu run in an effort to find Lucy. Yosh, time to find another guy. Sting. Mira told me about the plan. Sheesh Lucy, Sting is the guy you ran from. Couldn't you have called Hibiki....

Shit. Where's my shirt?

~Natsu's P. O. V. ~

"Ow..." I hissed and flinched as I ran. I had become pretty immune to pain after all the rumbles me and Gray had but this time I didn't have the satisfaction of beating him up. There was the uppercut I bestowed upon him though. I slowed down and scanned the sea of students for a blonde girl. Nope.

Frustrated, I was forced to comb the whole school for her. When I was on the verge of giving up and just going to class a thought came to my head.

She might be at the rooftop.

The bell rang. I groaned.

Damn the bell.

I went to the second level and dragged myself to History, sitting at my spot next to Gajeel. "You've been skipping detention." He commented, focused on breaking up the iron in his hands. "Do I look like I give two f***s about it, screws for brains?" I snapped. "What did you just call me, Fire Ass?" He growled, standing up.
"Iron fillings."
"Ash Face."
"Rusty metal."
"Flame Brain."

~Gray's P. O. V. ~

I strolled into class to see Natsu and Gajeel fighting. There I had thought he matured. Ugh. Well, he might just never grow up. At least I found my shirt. He hasn't found his IQ. I was about to join in the fight when Gildarts shuffled in. He glanced at me and sighed. "Gray, you need help with keeping your clothes on." He sat down and waited for the remaining students to arrive. "Crap" I muttered. I swear I had it on like five minutes ago. After I found it on the floor a few metres away, I settled down. Just then, Lucy and Levy entered. I looked at Natsu, who was pretending to be really interested in the iron Gajeel was busy with. Yeah right.

~Natsu's P. O. V. ~

When Lucy and Levy entered, I couldn't help but feel guilty. I immediately busied myself with Gajeel's iron. He looked at me quizzically. Mr. Gildarts flicked his gaze to Lucy and Levy for a few seconds and said, "Head to your seats, we were about to introduce a new student." Hearing that, I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows. New student, huh? Wonder who it was. Lucy and Levy scrambled to their seats and settled down. The whole class' eyes were directed at Lucy, while I could tell that she was trying to ignore them. But when a blonde entered the classroom, the attention was immediately diverted to him. So he's the new kid? Mm he has height and built. I'm gonna play against him for basketball some time. "You sit there." Gildarts jabbed a finger at the seat behind me, on my right, where this girl named Yukino was sitting. Everyone sweat dropped. "What, no introduction, sir?" Sting drawled. He shut his eyes and opened one to glance lazily at Sting, before shutting it again. "Don't care." Something was off. Sure, Gildarts was the type who couldn't be bothered with introductions, much less listening to them, but he would be nicer to newcomers. He would at least ask the newcomer to share with the class his name, age, and the norm facts, but this time...he was bring extra cold. He sighed, and opened his eyes, fixating his gaze on Lucy. I glanced at her. She looked surprised, then confused. Then she nodded just a bit.

Gildarts shut his eyes again. "Introduce yourself make it quick." I could have sworn he looked pissed for a second but he immediately hid it with a smile and a clearing of throat while looking at the class.

"My name is Sting Eucliffe, I have come from Sabertooth High for an exchange program. I'm 17--" "Of course you are. Now sit there." Gildarts pointed at the spot beside Yukino. "Okay" he made his way to his seat. What's up with Gildarts? I decided to simply not care and focus on the lesson. Not like there was a lesson to even focus on. Gildarts history classes were basically let loose time. Once in a while he would heap lots of teaching and knowledge on us, the rest is free and easy. Pretty weird. But who cares, I like free and easy. Screw teaching.

I was really tempted to jump out of the window and run off to somewhere else, but I had to talk to Lucy.

Why does shit always happen to me?

YATA! I GET TO FINISH UP ANOTHER CHAPER YAYYYY I apologize if the chapter have been getting shorter...and since this is basically the same is last chapter just that it's focus is on Natsu, there will be repetitive content. Gomen...but see what I did there? Gray finally stripped. It's been so long, and too much drama went on so I couldn't really fit him stripping anywhere. 😜

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Arigato for reading 😄😄😄

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