Chapter Fourteen: At Least I'm Not Pregnant...

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Sorry if this is scattered :( I‘m watching Bob‘s Burgers and Dads. I really like Bob‘s Burgers. I think I‘m a mix of Tina and Louise  and a pinch of Gene‘s stupidity. :) 

“CAAAAAMMM.” I whined. Cam looked at me from over his video game controller. 

“What is it, Jasey?” 

“I can’t dooo thiiiisss.” I tossed the controller down onto the couch and turned around so I could face him. “I don’t like it. I don’t like it at all! Who kills zombies with knives?” 

“Uhhh, Major Smith.” Cam mumbled, turning on the game again.I rolled my eyes and turned back to the TV. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a pale ass pressed against the window. I widened my eyes and saw a head turn around and peek at me over his shoulder. Danny?

“Cam, do you normally have guys pressing their butts to your window?” I asked, watching Danny give me a little finger wave and spread his ass cheeks wider. I squealed and looked away covering my mouth. Cam paused his game and glanced up at the window. 

“DANNY!” he shouted, running from the couch. Danny smirked and pulled up his pants, sending me a wink. I giggled and stood up from the floor. I felt like I needed to pee so I made my way to the bathroom. 

I walked into the room and shut the door, hearing Cam shouting at Danny, talking about cleanliness. I grinned and was about to pee when I felt a pain in my stomach. 

“Oh, no...oh, no, no, no, no, no!” I whined. I yanked up my pants after making a makeshift pad with toilet paper and ran out to the kitchen where Cam had a calender hanging up on the wall. 

“What’s wrong, Jase?” Cam asked, handing Danny a beer. 

“No, no, no, no, no.” I murmured, ignoring him, my hand shaking as I traced the days. Okay, so, the BMTH concert was on the’s like...what? The twenty sixth? I poked the date and groaned. NO! 

Well, at least I know I’m not pregnant-

“What’s going on?” Cam asked, taking a step towards me. 

“Cam, we need to go shopping.” I ordered. “Now.” 

“Now? It’s like...3 am...” Cam said, looking at his watch. 

“Cam, don’t argue with the woman,” Danny snickered, raising his eyebrow. “In fact, yes, if she orders to go shopping and she’s a woman,” 

Cameron had a look cross his face and he made the connections in his head. “Oh. Oh. Oh God.” he raised his eyes to the ceiling. “Ohhhhhh.” 

“Are you just gonna say oh over and over again? Or are you gonna get in a fucking car and get me what I need?” I snapped. Well, I let my emotions get the better of me. Cameron blushed. 

“Yep, I’m know? Danny? Why not ask Myca to get something for Jasey? Is she coming tonight?” Cam mumbled. Danny smirked. 

“Nope. She’s with her dad right now. You know how I hate to bother her when she’s with her family.” Danny winked at Cam. “C’mon. You pussy. Get the tampons-” 

Cam grumbled something incoherent and grabbed his keys. “If I get the wrong thing, it’s not my fault. I’m going to the gas station.” 

Danny grinned. “I’ll make her comfortable. I’m good at making them feel good on their special day.” I narrowed my eyes and Danny shrugged. “When they’re on their periods, they usually end up riding me...a bloody mess, but totally worth it.” 

Kidnapped By Bring Me The Horizon (Kind Of, Not Really). *SEQUEL* [✔]Where stories live. Discover now