His girl (smut)

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Y/n pov:

"I guess you finally told her?" Evan says as we walk back to the booth.
"Yeah, now she's mine." Jonathan says back. I'm a blushing mess as we sit down. Everyone congratulates us on getting together. They all begin to drink until their all drunk themselves. Luckily Lui didn't drink anything with alcohol so he was their designated driver. We got everyone into the car and buckled up.
"You two take the other car back. I'll get everyone to bed. Oh, before I forget. This is a card we got for you. Have fun, Del."  He said laughing as he drove off. We got into the other car. Then Jonathan opened the card.
'Happy birthday our friend. We'll probably be to drunk so Lui is supposed to give this to you. Anyway we know you'll get y/n to be your girlfriend before the night's over so here is something to help you with your real present. Have fun with your present/girlfriend Del.'
Inside the card was a condom. I looked away like I didn't read the card. After a minute or so Jonathan drives back to the house. When we got back everyone was already in bed and asleep. It was kind of late and I was starting to get sleepy myself.
"Well hope you had a good birthday. Goodnight John." I say giving him a kiss on the cheek and walking to my room. I walk into my room and get ready for bed. I got all my makeup off and brushed my hair. Now I just had to change. I reach back and pull on the zipper but it didn't budge. I try again with more force and from different angles but nothing worked. Then I hear my door open. I turn to see Jonathan starring at me. I blush a little at the thought of what I was about to ask him.
"Hey Jonathan, I need your help. The stupid zipper got stuck. Think you can help me?" I ask him.

Delirious pov:

I walk into my room and see a drunk and passed out David on my bed.
"What the fuck David." I say walking over to him. I look over and see a note on my night stand.
'Nice try Del. David is here to make sure you at least spend some alone time with y/n. Quit being a little pussy and go to her.
Love- Lui and BBC'
I look back a the wild David sprawled out on my bed while thinking about my situation.
"Fuck it! I'll at least talk to her and cuddle up with her when we sleep. That's what normal couples do, right?" I say aloud to myself.
I change into some pj pants and an old gray shirt. The I looked back at the card and grabbed the condom inside and put it in my pj pants pocket. Just in case. I walk over to her room just across the hall. I figured she might be sleeping already so I walked in. My eyes saw something different though. I saw y/n reaching her hands over her shoulders reaching for her dress zipper. She turned around and I saw her blush a nice pink shade across her cheeks.
"Hey Jonathan, I need you help. The stupid zipper got stuck. Think you can help me?" She asked. I smiled and walked over. She pushed her hair out of the way. I try to pull the zipper but it wouldn't move. I was kind of glad for that. That meant I could stay closer to y/n. I took in her perfume scent. She smells good. I jimmy with the zipper and it comes down though I take my time unzipping it. When it couldn't go any further I took my chance to make my move. I lifted my mask up to my nose and leaned my head in kissing the back of her neck. I could hear her gasp and moan a little at the end. This is going to be fun. I turn her around and get closer. Her face was bright red. I smashed my lips into hers. Her hands wrapped around my neck letting her dress fall to the floor. I move my hands feeling every inch of her upper body.
"Mmm..." She moaned into the kiss. Her hands moved up to play with my hair minding my mask. I slide my lips down from her lips to her neck searching for that one spot.
"Jon~!" She moaned out loudly. I chuckled with my lips still on the spot.
"Found it." I licked and sucked at the spot earning more moans of my name and other sounds. When I lifted my head I had left a nice big hickey on her to tell others she is mine. I looked into her e/c eyes clouded over in a darker color by one thing. Lust.
"Jonathan~ I want more~." She said in my ear. This was getting interesting. I grab her and take her over to the bed laying her down gently. She looked up and down at me.
"You wearing to much babe." She says to me. I take off my shirt and pj pants. Now I'm only in my boxers. I crawl over her and plant more kisses over her body. She let out cute little sounds that only enticed me to go on. Her hands played with my hair again but I could feel her tug slightly at my mask's strap. I lift my head out of her reach.
"Please don't do that." I say to her. Her face turns sad.
"Why not? Why won't you let me see your face. I bet it's uncomfortable for you like this."
"I don't want our first time to be ruined because of my looks." I say turning away from her. I felt her hands grab my still showing cheeks and make me face her.
"Jonathan, I love you for you. Not because of what you look like obviously. If I was concerned with how you look we wouldn't be doing this. I don't care what you look like under there. I fell in love with your heart not your face." I could feel myself blushing at her words.
"No ones ever said that to me before." I say to her. She lets out a giggle and smiles at me.
"That's because no ones ever loved you like I do." She says giving me a little innocent kiss. She is right. This is uncomfortable and I love y/n more than enough to show her who I am. I pull my mask off showing her my ugly mug.

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