Junichiro Tanizaki x Reader|Armed Detective Agency! ❬Birthday Party❭

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Sorry for dying there for a while. I have no excuse for my tardiness and laziness. Again, I'm very sorry for taking such a long break.


A few pleased screams came from your coworkers as Tanizaki walked into the room that all of you sat in wait. His expression brightened as everyone set off confetti poppers at him.

"Surprise!" Some yelled in disarray as others just let out a yelp. He grinned in thanks as everyone patted on his back and head. "Th-Thank you!" He responds to the bubbling exuberant actions.

Noami then shoves her way into the crowd, reaching Tanizaki.

"Oh brother! Your getting so much more mature!"

She yelped out, running her index finger down his chest. Tanizaki's face then quickly flushed a bright rosy pink.

That was your cue, it was always. You grin and tug Tanizaki next to you. "Shall we start the party?" You question, putting your elbow on Tanizaki's shoulder, even though he was much taller than you.

Noami glares at you, giving a revolting gaze at your actions. A smug grin grows on your lips as you gaze back to her snobbish like.

The two of you couldn't be more foul with one another over Tanizaki, even though you had no interest in upgrading Tanizaki out of the friend zone.

You continue to gaze at her with your [E/C] eyes, that always seemed to be half shut, giving a relaxed vibe for your personality.

You then turn your head to Tanizaki, his behavior calmed by yours. "Uh, sure!" He responds back to your lingering question. "But, brother!" She wined, gently skipping to his side.

"So, Noami, you're saying that we shouldn't start the party? And do what? Stand here?" You question with a greed filled grin. She lets out a huff then pouts. "I'm not saying that! I-" You cut off her defensive sentence and gently grasp Tanizaki's hand.

"Come on Tanizaki, we should hang out with the others as well."

You spoke to him smoothly, the words glazing over your tongue. A genuine smile grew onto his lips as you dragged him around pleasingly.

"That was a little much, don't you think?" Tanizaki whispered to you with a soft airy chuckle. You two then stand by the refreshment table. You gently wave your hand at him. "Well, she needed a little much to get it through her thick skull." You add and take a generous sip of punch.

Tanizaki sighed and flicked your forehead.

"Don't be so salty." He speaks to you in a low, slightly irritated, tone. You smack your lips as you set your drink down.

"I can be as salty when ever and where ever I want." You mutter, glancing away from him. He lets out a deep sigh and slowly shakes his head.

You then glare at the ground, fiddling with the heels of your shoes. The sound of crisp fresh heels click the ground as they draw closer to Tanizaki and you.


You grip onto your plastic red cup as you raise your head. Noami forcefully wraps her arms around Tanizaki and begins to draw circles on his back with her index finger.

"Did you miss me?" She whines pleadingly as their foreheads connect.

"Isn't incest a sin?"

You question and casually take a sip from your cup. You then lower the cup away from your face and gaze to see both of their washed, pale expressions.

Their bodies had froze at your comment. You release a small chuckle then raise a brow.

"So my query had intrigued the both of you that far, hm?" You fasten your lips as you tempt to hold back another chuckle.

Naomi's arms then slump lifelessly to her side as you slowly make your way to Tanizaki.  Naomi then slowly backs up and sees herself away from the conversation.

"Well, now that that's gone." You set your cup down, grinning uncontrollably. You then place your gaze to Tanizaki, his hands balled into a white-knuckled fist and his teeth now clenched.

Your expression slightly dulled as you gazed to his. You could then feel a hard sting against your cheek as the sound of skin on skin echoed through the room. Your head was then forced downward and to the side.

"What the hell is wrong with you [Y/N]!"

Tanizaki screamed as you raised your face, your expression still holding a slight smirk.

He then fumed away as you were left to the side. You shrugged and leaned your body against the wall.

Dazai then cackled next to you and put his arm on your shoulder. "Sin ay?" He questioned through a growing grin.

"Don't we all?" You question, the both of you speaking your riddles.  "As the saying goes, sinners and saints. So even saints?" You chuckle at his sentence and put an arm around him. "Like I said, don't we all?"

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