Episode 4

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As Joon-young drives up and down every single bridge over the Han River, Eul peers over the railing on the bridge that she's on. She spots something curious underneath, and brightens to see a young couple taking a picture together. 

She quickly takes out her phone and leans precariously over the edge to get a good picture of them, murmuring brightly to herself that the heavens haven't forsaken her yet. Eul guesses that they must've started dating while shooting together.

It's then that Joon-young spots Eul and yanks her back down, shouting at her for taking her life so easily. He screams that he'll shoot the documentary, calling her crazy, while she just stares up at him like he's the crazy one.

Back in 2011, Eul nearly dies on the operating table, but is revived at the last minute. The surgeon comes out to tell her little brother Jik that the surgery went well and the worst is over, and down the hall, Joon-young hears them and sheds a tear, though he still looks agonized. Ji-tae also watches from a distance and hears that Eul made it.

Joon-young goes straight to his law school advisor, his finger still bloody from him picking at it all night, and announces that he's dropping out of school. When his teacher asks why, Joon-young says that if someone like him became a prosecutor, this country would really be hopeless. It's what Eul had said about him in high school, though now his guilt has made him believe it.

He walks the tree-lined street through campus one last time, soaking it in before leaving it all behind.

Fast-forward to 2016, after Joon-young has agreed to do the documentary. Best friend Nari totally overdoes Eul's hair and makeup for the first day of her documentary shoot, and Eul reminds her that Joon-young is out their league now and starts wiping off the lipstick.

But Nari says this isn't about seducing him—it's about pride, and she can't have Joon-young looking down on Eul when all of them were once friends on the same level. Eul sees her point and asks for the gold dust.

Joon-young gets out of the shower and spends a gloriously gratuitous amount of time checking himself out in the mirror. He asks his reflection how someone so healthy could be sick.

Manager hyung Gook-young runs in to tell Joon-young that Eul is outside the front door, and whatever he's picturing right now, reality will be better than that. Joon-young sees what he means when they get to the video intercom, and Eul is standing there looking like she's dressed for a nightclub. In 1989, or thereabouts. 

Gook-young cracks up at Eul's idea of dressing up to impress Joon-young, but Joon-young just takes it in silently and sends hyung to go feed the dog. He watches Eul take a bunch of selfies and declare herself so pretty that it must've been difficult to hide it all this time, and he can't help but crack a tiny smile.

Eul is surprised when Nari pulls up in her scooter, insisting that they swap out Eul's fake-designer purse and earrings for the real deal. Eul doesn't see the need, but Nari says Joon-young would know the difference and might look down on her.

Eul argues that Joon-young will look down on her regardless of designer anything, and adds that his terrible personality is even worse than it was back in school. He's listening to all of this, of course, and his face darkens.

Nari gapes at the size of Joon-young's house, but quickly reverts to pep-talk mode and reminds Eul that she's got just as bad a temper as Joon-young and is practically a dog once she goes crazy, so she should consider any rants from Joon-young as nothing more than a dog's bark.

Nari encourages Eul to make the most of this opportunity, given that she faked a suicide to get it, and Eul corrects her that she never said she was going to kill herself; she just never corrected his misunderstanding.

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