You've got mail

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This is a horror story if you are scared
Easily do not read on.

    *bing* Alicia's phone chimed, signaling that she had revived an e-mail. It said it was from a person named "The Gambler" Alicia was at her good friend Janice's house for a sleepover, Janice had just run out to the store to get some milk. The e-mail read,

Your friend and I have already met, unfortunately she has lost her bet, looks like I'm coming for you next. I dare you your life to look outside.
- The Gambler

Alicia knew better than to believe things like this. She laughed to herself as she typed out a reply,

To "The Gambler"
Ha Ha Janice I know this is you. You can't get me that easily. Just come back to the house already and stop with that lame jokes.

She clicked the remote and tried to watch TV, but all she got was static.
"Ughhh the satellite dish must be broken." Alicia said to herself. She heard a large 'Thump' coming from the backyard. "I swear if that stupid dish fell off the roof I'm going to scream."  She muttered to herself. She made her way through the dark house to the back door. Then she did scream, but not because the satellite dish had fallen, but because she saw her friend Janice, wide eyed in terror, mouth agape, hanging by a rope from the roof.
"Janice!" She screamed. Then she felt another ping in her pocket.

I'm already at the house, this is no joke, we've yet to met, but you have no hope. I dare you your life to come inside.
- The Gambler

Alicia was terrified now, shaking with fear, she knew she should run, but what good had that done for Janice?
'I need to find a way to out smart him.' She thought. 'Perhaps if I win one of his sick "Gambles?" She slowly inched towards the door, she could hear the hinges creak softly, but to her it sounded like nails on a chalkboard. She entered the house, she could see nothing different from when she walked out, but now every room had taken on a terrifying potential to kill. She grabbed a fireplace poker and slowly made her way from room to room. She heard a squeak and a loud 'snap' behind her and she nearly jumped out of her skin, she whirled around, flailing the fireplace poker in front of her, only to find that it was a dead rat caught in a trap at the foot of the kitchen stove. Her phone binged once more,

I see now you've come inside, it's no use trying to hide, I am in the house, I'm the cat and you're the mouse, I dare you your life to find me
-the Gambler

Alicia slowly made her way to the basement, she fumbled blindly for the light switch, she could've sworn she felt something move up the stairs behind her. She searched every nook in the basement, even inside the laundry machine. Not three minutes later she felt another ping,

You're cold, I'm hot, you've got no clue I've got you in my hold, try to escape you cannot, I'm right on your tail, you are destined to fail, I dare you your life to confront me.
-The Gambler

"I guess this is it then..."Alicia shudders. "I never should've come... If I make it out of here alive... Oh please let me make it out of here alive..."

She takes one shaky step towards the top of the stairs, then another, as she reaches the top the door closes behind her. She yelps and whips around, only to discover that there is no one there.
"Just the wind... Just the wind..." She mumbles to herself. She is near the edge of pure panic now, everywhere she looks she sees flickers in the corner of her eye. She sees a pice of paper flutter down off the stovetop. Walking over, she picks it up and reads it,

Dear Susan,
I'm so glad you can make it to the meet and greet next week, can't wait to see you.
- Ms. Anderson

"Oh thank heaven." Alicia sighs, "It's just a letter from Janice's mom." She sees something written on the back of the paper, "What's this?" She turns the paper over, suddenly she feels rough hands grab her around the waist and a knife at her throat.
"You lose the bet." A deep scratchy, voice hisses in her ear. The last thing she will ever see, is a overturned letter with the words "You lose" scrawled on the back.

"Now onto the next dare." The Gambler smiles looking at Alicia's phone, as it pings one last time, with your number on it. "This one will do nicely." The Gambler picks up the phone and starts to type out a reply,

I see you now, I'm on my way, how would you like to spend your last day? I dare you your life to answer.
-The Gambler

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2016 ⏰

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