bucky barnes imagine part 19

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You went to the tower with Chelsea. When you entered the tower everyone looked at you as if you brought a thief in the tower.

"Why did you bring her insid?!" Bucky said

"It's none of your business bucky." You said and started to walk. Steve stopped you and said

"(Y/N) can you please tell us who she is?"

While you were introducing Chelsea to the avengers bucky slowly pulled out a gun from his pocket. He kept then gun in his pocket for safety reasons. Bucky pulled the trigger and the bullet hot Chelsea straight in her heart. She fell. You looked at Chelsea and then looked back at bucky. Everyone looked at him.

"Bucky what the hell?!" Steve said

You ran towards bucky and said "you ass hole! You shot my best friend! What the hell is wrong with you?!!" You said and started to cry.

"I had to shoot her, she might have been dangerous for us." Bucky said and you slapped bucky.

"Dangerous? She was innocent! You're the one who's dangerous to me now! You shot Chelsea!!" You said and ran towards Chelsea.

"Take her to the hospital please!" You told Steve and he picked up Chelsea and took her to the hospital. You turned around and saw bucky walking away. You went to the hospital with Steve.

You were waiting for the doctor to come out in the hall. Steve was with you. He walked towards you and said

"Everything's going to be alright (Y/N)"

You hugged him and the doctor came out of the room.

You walked towards the doctor and said

"Is she ok?"

The doctor looked down and said "I'm sorry but she didn't make it." He left.

You felt tears in your eyes. Steve put his hand on your shoulder and said

"I'm sorry (Y/N).... she's in a better place now."

You ran out of the hospital and went to the avengers tower.

"Where's bucky?!" You asked natasha

"I don't know, he might be in his room." Natasha said.

You checked in his room and he wasn't there.

You went to the living room and saw bucky watching tv. Bucky looked at you and said "what's the problem?"

You started to get angry and went to bucky. You tried to punch him but he dodged your punch and put his hand around your neck. You could barely breath.

The last thing you saw was bucky falling and hitting the ground and the everything went black.

You woke up in a white room and looked at your left side. I u saw bucky on another bed sleeping. You were tied up on that bed and so was bucky. Steve walked in and you said

"Why am I and bucky tied up?"

"You guys will stay like this until you forgive each other and love each other like before... and if you both fight you both will be injected immediately...I'm sorry but this is the only way." Steve said and untied you and left.

Sebastian Stan imagine (Buckyxreader)Where stories live. Discover now