# 1

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(Side-Note: The girl in the picture is Ruby)




Ruby slammed her hand down on the alarm. "So annoying..." She murmured, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She yawned softly as she sat up in her bed. She glanced at her alarm, seeing 5:46 AM in blaring red numbers. "Time to start the day!" She said, punching the air.

First things first, she went into the bathroom to take a quick shower and brush her teeth. Once out, she wrapped herself in a warm, fluffy towel and blow-dried her hair. After her hair was nice and fluffy, she got dressed in a low-cut purple t-shirt and dark, blue skinny jeans with black and white converse. Next, she did some light makeup. A little bit of foundation, mascara, light gray eye shadow, and light pink lipstick. She grinned at herself in the mirror. She curled her hair a little and then ruffled it a bit. She headed out of the bathroom and glanced at the clock. 6:24 AM. She grabbed her backpack, heading downstairs. "Good morning sweetheart." Her mother called from the kitchen. "Morning, mom! See you later, love you!" She said, making her way out the door. She headed down to the bus stop. "Hey loser!" A voice shouted from behind, making Ruby grin. "Hey you two!" She yelled, spinning on her heel. Anastasia ran up to her, pulling her into a bear-hug, Peyton following behind with a smile on her face. Anastasia had long black hair with blue eyes, wearing a black hoodie that said 'It's an anime thing. You wouldn't understand.' with white jeans and black boots. She wore black glasses, too. She was pretty much an anime geek, but a lovable anime geek. Peyton was more a preppy girl. She wore a white button-up shirt with short-shorts and red heels. She wore light make-up and has freckles. She had dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. "Ready to roll?" Anastasia asked, adjusting her book-bag. "You bet." Ruby grinned. And with that, the trio went down to the bus stop.

Once they arrived at the school, it was about 10 minutes til class started. They went down to their lockers, putting their books away and taking out what they needed. "Hey babe." Arms wrapped around her torso and a chin rested on her shoulder. "Hey Leo." She grinned, spinning around in his arms and pecking him on the cheek. She ruffled his light brown hair and watched as his dark, blue eyes lit up in amusement. "Not the hair." He teased, ruffling her hair back. She stuck her tongue out at him. Anastasia rolled her eyes a bit as Peyton smiled softly. "Let's go." He said, taking her hand in his. Peyton and Anastasia went separate ways to their classes as Leo walked Ruby to her class. Once at the classroom door, he spun her around, placing a chaste kiss on her lips. "I love you." "I love you, too."

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