Chapter 4

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AN: thank you to all who is reading, it means a lot and I hope you continue. Vote, comment, follow. luv u all.

We drove for hours upon hours, it was night time now and I started to yawn constantly "we should stop soon, I'm getting tired and want a bed" I gaped
"yeah well I want to leave a good distance between us and the monsters" he argued
"What, I thought monsters can appeared where ever they want to" I said ignorantly
"Monsters travel by foot, they smell us out and run for it, traveling by car and train makes it harder for them to catch up" he informed. I smiled and sat forward from the back seat "well I'm guessing we have traveled at least two states since we got this car so pull over or I will kill you and use you as a pillow" I yelled and he nodded while searching for a road side motel.

We found a motel that had hearts and a Cupid on its sign. We went in and Kelsey pulled me up "we don't have any money" she said beside the counter
"I'll handle it" I said while a lady walked in. She was about fifty and had a sickly sweet smile on her "hello and welcome to the Cupid Motel how may I help you" she asked "could we please have a room with three beds" I asked her, she looked at me suspiciously "were on a road trip" I added and she smiled "that's great though I only have a room with two beds and a couch" she answered
"we'll take it"
"great, that will be $150 and room service is extra" she said and I pulled out my bank card "I was saving for a car" I wined softly. Logan smiled and grabbed a bunch of lollies and chips "could you add this to the price" he asked and the old women nodded. I gave him a deathly glare and hesitantly gave the women my card. She swiped it and gave me the room card key and my bank card back "thank you for staying at the Cupid Motel you will be in room number five" she said and I smiled while walking up the stairs "you are so dead Logan" I yelled while punching him fairly hard on the arm. He rubbed it with an evil grin.

The room was all right, but was pretty pink everywhere which almost made me vomit. Logan tried to take a bed but I stopped him "sorry but he who buys decides and I decide that Kelsey takes the other bed" I said whilst giving him the same evil smile I saw him give. He huffed and sat on the couch.

Logan decided that he will take the first watch to make sure nothing happened.

I woke up quickly and felt my wrist, Logan looked at me rubbing it "its starting, your mark is starting to imprint it's self I mean" he explained
"does it hurt, I mean when the mark came did it hurt" I asked and he shrugged "yeah but some hurts more than others, if your awake its usually ok but if your asleep its more painful" he explicated. I grabbed my handle thing and he smiled "hey what are these things called" I asked and he smiled "their called Sages, they transform into the weapon from out blood line origin if your Dyslexic" he explained "how are you dyslexic, I saw you read street signs and stuff" I said
he shrugged "it was handed down to me from my grandfather in his will but I'm not Dyslexic, my grandfather was where I got the Guardian gene from" he explained.

I nodded slowly and smiled "you know, when your not being an ass and trying to kill me your kinda cool" I laughed and he smirked. I went towards my bed when he stopped me "hey when you strangled me did to feel weird" he asked
"um if angry counts as weird I guess" I answered he nodded and I went back to sleep.
"Lexi I swear if you don't wake up I will kill you" Logan yelled at me. I shot up and rubbed my mattered dark blond hair "I didn't ask for a wake up call" I winged
"sorry mam but we have a situation here" he screamed in a freaked out tone. I walked to Kelsey who was peeping through the curtain "so what exactly is the problem" I said finishing slowly. A creature that was fully black, long fangs that stuck out if his mouth, bat nose, red eyes, leathery skin, and ten inch claws that would rip you to shreds was sniffing around the outskirts of the building "so time to go" I said quietly "you know what that may be a good idea" Kelsey added.

I left the room key on the bed side table and we snuck out of the back door, yes with out checking out. We almost made it to the car but with a bat nose comes bat smell. It lunged at us quickly. We scattered and made a triangle surrounding the monster "what type of monster is that" I yelled and Kelsey shook her head "it's a demon not an monster" she yelled back, I nodded and shrugged "well that makes it so much better".

I pressed my Sages button and slashed at the creature, and it's howled in pain. But then it heal "it heals" I yelled which really lightened up the mood. I looked around for something anything that would work and I wasn't let down. I saw a dumpster to my right that was tall enough for my plan. I ran to it while putting my blade away. I jumped up on it and used the wall behind it to jump off and on the power lines. I balanced on it and was in position "bring it towards me" I yelled and Logan nodded and pushed the monster towards me.

I pressed my sages button and cut the lines while jumping away. I landed on Logan and the monster was electrocuted into black dust and smoke "what the hell did you do" Kelsey asked and I shrugged
"electricity cooks you from the inside out, thought it might work" I shrugged. Logan pushed me off and punched me "how are you not electrocuted you idiot" he yelled I smiled and shrugged while walking to the car "you can drive" he asked, I nodded while we drove off.

"So how can you drive" he asked
"I went camping with my uncle and a Moose attacked I jumped into the front seat and drove off till we ran out of fuel, best day of my life" I laughed and got a crazy look from him. One things that I haven't realised is that were just one state away from Mt Rainier and I started to have hope, this wasn't that hard but then again this was just the beginning.

"Well there it is, Mt Rainier" I announced, Kelsey and Logan smiled and we went towards the mountain and I stopped our selves "um guys, how do we get in" I asked and Logan smiled "there is meant to be a passage way somewhere, I'm guessing we use our senses to find it" he answered with a pause. He looked around and started to walk "I'm guessing those are his senses" I whispered to Kelsey and we both giggled.

We followed Logan or what we called our blood hound to a rock wall of the mountain with a symbol engraved into the rocks surface. Logan placed his palm onto the symbol and I notice it was the same symbol he had on his wrist. The rock slid away revealing a very long and dark hallway "so how do we see" Kelsey asked and I smiled while taking out some industrial glow sticks "I thought ahead" I said while cracking one and followed Logan as he stepped in.

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