It's been 3 months since Blueberry used the human soul to reset the timeline and save his universe. This was at a cost, though. The reset caused him to forget Error and all the times they spent together. Error becomes lonely and is desperate to see...
A/n: Wazzup, everyone. Sorry for the slight delayed. I was busy getting ready for going back to school (aka doing my summer assignment that I've been avoiding all summer)
On another note: OH MY GOSH!!! This book already had 230 views and 20 votes! I can't believe how fast this story is growing! Here! (hands all readers pie) We must celebrate! PIE FOR EVERYONE!!! (Read this chapter while you eat your pie :-D)
Papyrus' P.O.V.
Sans was gone. And it was all my fault. I should saved his. Why did I have to pass out?! I gotta get Sans back, even if the last thing I do. But how can I travel to other universes?
I had an idea. I ran to my room and grabbed a key. I know what I was going to have to do. I ran outside to the lab behind our house. I only remember bits and pieces about how it got there, but I remember the broken machine in the back of the room. This was my key to getting Sans back. I was going to need some help fixing it. I had never told anyone about this room, not even Sans, but I knew one fish I could trust on keeping this a secret.
Hopefully, we can fix it in time.
Blueberry's P.O.V.
He dragged me into some sort of white room, just like the one I saw in my nightmare. I was scared. Where was Papyrus? Where was anything? Everything was just white. Before I knew it, I started to cry. "PAPS....PAPY...PAPYRUS!!!" I kept calling his name. But nobody came. The guy just started at me.
Error's P.O.V.
What are you doing, Error?!! He crying! You just kidnapped him and expected everything to be back to normal? He doesn't even remember you!!!! Your just a stranger to him!!!
An idea popped into my head. "wAiT HeRe." I told him. Probably not the best idea to just leave him there, but I was determined to get him to stop crying. I opened a portal to Underfell.
Blueberry's P.O.V.
He left me. Alone. Was going to be stuck here for who knows how long. Just then he came back through the portal thing with something in his hands. "HeRe." He held it out in front of it. It was a cup of something. A milkshake?
-Meanwhile in Underfell-
-Back to the Anti-Void-
Why was he being so nice to me all of the sudden? I didn't understand. I wiped my tears and accepted the milkshake. I took a sip. It was actually pretty good. Then, the question I've wanting to ask slipped out of me. "Who...who are you?"
He chuckled. "i'M yOu."
"KidDinG. wEll, sOrT oF." What did he mean by sort of? "NaMeS. ErrOr."
"Oh...Error." I probably should've know, considering that ERROR was all over him. "My name is—"
"SaNs. BUt soME oF yOuR fRiEndS CaLl yoU BLueBerrY. I kNow."
"How do you—?"
"LeTs JusT SaY I KnoW MoRe abOUt yOu ThaN YoU ThiNk."
"Wait, what?!" I dropped my milkshake, spilling it on the white "floor." What does he mean?
He groaned. "lOoK wHAt YOu Did!" There was a slight pause. Error sighed and suddenly some sort of portal thing opened under the milkshake, causing it to fall into whatever was on the other side. "JuSt Try nOt To TraSh tHe AntI-vOid. oKAy?"
-Meanwhile in Underfell-
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
-Back to Blueberry-
I nodded. The anti-void. So that's what this place is called. Just like everything else, it seemed so familiar. I just didn't know why.
I need to find a way back to Papyrus. Maybe he could tell me what's going on.