eleven | lean on me

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At the airport, Chuuya finally came home as he glanced around to see any familiar mop of (Hair Color) hair. And Dazai too. He promised he'll be back by Christmas, but he wasn't able to keep that promise so he came back after New Years instead. After your phone call with him, he hasn't been able to get his mind off of you. He needed to see you, now. Until he saw his friend walk up to him.

"Yo." Dazai smiled.

"Dazai? Where's (F/N)?" Chuuya asked, still glancing around the crowds of people.

"You finally get to see your best friend, but you immediately talk about (L/N)..." Dazai chuckled softly, but the glint in his eyes gave off a sad vibe.

"Oh, sorry. But I need to see her." Chuuya was still desperate on finding you.

"She's not coming." Dazai stated a little harshly.

"Why?" there was a little blanket of silence that fell on the two boys.

"Because I'm here."

Chuuya raised his eyebrow, perplexed. "Huh?"

"Nevermind that." Dazai shook off the feeling and put on his cheerful smile again. "Your parents are still at France, right?"

"Yeah. They sent me off early."

"Great. (L/N) is dying to meet you..."


After Chuuya got home, he quickly dropped his belongings and headed out the door once more to go to your house. Surely, you should be in there. He took the long 3 train rides and walked down 8 blocks to your house. He knocked on the door 3 times without any answer.

"Oi, half pint. It's me, open up." he said, but no answer. He turned the golden door knob and the door was surprisingly opened. He's visited your house many times so he knew his way in. He walked upstairs into your bedroom which was wide open. The place seemed deserted, like is hasn't been touched. There was a golden bracelet on your bed that caught his eyes as he picked it up to examine it.

'Wait, is this Dazai's present to her? Why would she leave it-' then, realization struck him. He dropped the bracelet and dashed out your house, running towards the city, hoping to find you.

That's right. He was an idiot for not realizing what happened.

With Dazai calling you by your last name, you leaving the present he especially got for you, you crying over the phone, and you calling Dazai's name before the disconnection. There were all the clues right in front of Chuuya, but he didn't open his eyes to see those clues.

But now he knew that Dazai cheated on you.

He was frantically searching for you now, calling your name or your nickname but only resulting of getting strange looks from people. Chuuya came into a stop has he panted loudly, putting his hands on his knees. It's been 40 minutes and he still couldn't find you. His mind slowly wandered to that day after work when he treated you for icecream.

'This icecream tastes great! Thanks, Chuuya!' you smiled to your friend who was also eating icecream.

'Yeah, yeah. Save the appreciations for later.' he laughed, licking the soft serve.

You suddenly frowned a bit, changing the mood of the atmosphere. 'You know, Chuuya... My heart hurts.'

Chuuya knew what you meant. That Hanako girl flirting with Dazai at work. 'Love hurts, (F/N). I know that the most.' he whispered, feeling the pain in his chest grow even more. You tossed the cone wrapper in the trash bin as you took his hand.

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