fourteen | under the cherry blossom

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Ok, this is going to be a huge time leap and I apologize for that because I could not wiggle free from my writer's block on what to write in the next chapter so again I apologize if everything is going too fast ;-;


It was finally the month of March and it meant graduation month for you- the third years. Finals were officially over and it was hello break! You worked your butt off to get a last good grade at this school and you were more than proud of yourself.

What was that? Chuuya? Oh, him.

Ever since that secret confession from him on Valentine's Day, the two of you really haven't talked much. Well, you had small talks with him but that was mostly about homework and school related stuff. You felt awkward around him now and he felt the same. That gradually became the reason that you two drifted apart. Plus, it's your last year in high school so this meant different roads you were taking. You can't be with him for long.

But in Chuuya's mind, he didn't like it. Were you trying to play hard to get? He didn't get a single response from you about his confession. So did that meant you didn't have mutual feelings with him? He's been pretty busy these few weeks- ever since Valentine's Day in fact. He's been getting these anonymous love letters from girls asking him out. And once again, you noticed it too. He's been going to the school's rooftop to meet them or go to the back of the school under the pink cherry blossom trees.

Chuuya opened his shoe locker as another pink letter with a heart sticker sealed on the back slipped out. He sighed as he began to open it.

"You've been getting a lot, huh? Well, I'm not surprised." you smiled, putting your sneakers on as you watched Chuuya read the letter.

"It says to meet her by the vending machine tomorrow after school..." Chuuya sighed once more as he tucked it into his pocket. "I'm getting pretty tired of this, to be honest. I feel really guilty when some of these girls cry in front of me because they got rejected."

"Geez, Chuuya. Cut them some slack. Must have taken a lot of courage for them to do that." you scoffed, walking away from him.

Chuuya opened his mouth to say something. 'Just like I did with you.' but he remained quiet and bit his lip as he watched you walk away.


The next day after school, Chuuya met on the designated spot where he was told to be. How many times was this now, eight? Maybe because Dazai isn't here anymore and it almost looked like he's been replaced by Chuuya. He did see Dazai go through these kinds of situations all the time.

You were walking down the halls, daydreaming and pondering what you should have for dinner tonight until you heard two familiar voices. You stopped walking so it would be dead silent and no one would hear your footsteps. You peeked from the corner of the halls to see Chuuya and a back of a really familiar girl. Wait. No.

"U-Um, Nakahara Chuuya kun! I fell in love with you so please go out with me!" the girl squeaked as she bowed, hoping that he would return the favor.


Your eyes widened in disbelief. You couldn't believe it. He accepted Hanako's feeling? What more did she need other than Dazai? Your heart shattered as it ached in pain as endless tears rolled down your cheeks. You shook your head.

'That's right... It wasn't me after all... It never was...' you thought, gritting your teeth in pain and ran back down the hall again to outside.

Chuuya immediately reacted from the rushing footsteps. It was you listening to the conversation. He felt his anger rise as he shouted at Hanako. "Oi! That was definitely (F/N)! This wasn't how the plan was supposed to work!"

Hanako pursed her lips into a somewhat sweet smile. "Oh, it is. The plan was that I was going to 'ask you out' and you're supposed to say yes. And since you told her that our meeting was going to be here, of course she'll be here as well."

"What makes you so sure about her coming here?!"

"Because I witnessed all her attempts on sneaking up on you during all of your confessions. You see, Nakahara kun? It's perfect."

He gritted his teeth. "Haven't you had enough? Do you ever learn to stop?!"

"Then why don't you go?" Hanako stated straightforwardly, making the smaller male go silent. "Isn't what this plan was all about? You better go and straighten things out before stuff happens."

"Why are you doing this for me?"

Hanako laughed. "I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this for her."

"Like I said, why? Because you can get close to Dazai?" Chuuya's voice began to rise again.

"No." her tone was deadly and sharp. "I've forgotten about him a long time ago. And I felt bad what I did. So I decided to create a fake confession so you two can be a couple." her voice was calm again.

"But why me?"

She sighed in annoyance, putting her hands on her hips. "Not only she's dense but I see you're dense as well. Just go already." Hanako gave him a goofy smile as he nods and runs toward the hall you were at and back outside.

She's right. He needed to straighten things out.

It wasn't hard to find you because you were standing under the sakura tree, while your tears dripped to the ground. The wind blew gently against your cheeks along with your hair. So this meant it was all over. You heard the sound of Chuuya's footsteps from behind.

"You don't have to say anything. I get it." you whispered, without facing him. "I'm really happy for you. Congratulations." you finally spun around, giving your brightest smile that you could ever manage at the moment, but the tears were still visible on the corners of your eyes.

"Liar." Chuuya muttered.


"Do you expect me to believe that?" he shot a look at you, making you flinch.

You sniffed, feeling the tears roll down even faster. All the emotions buried inside your heart was ready to burst. And it did.

"Because what can I do?! I can't be with you anymore!" you shouted, feeling those heavy weights lift off of your shoulders. "You already returned your feelings for her, didn't you? That means you'll be taken away from me. Chuuya will be gone, no longer by my side! You'll be with Hanako and I'll be all alone!" you screamed, your voice rasping now.

"And I don't want that! Especially to the person I like!!!" you wailed but that wail stopped abruptly when Chuuya lunged forward to embrace you into a tight, comforting hug.

"Quit yelling, will ya? Your voice is sore now..." he whispered into your ear, making you blush. "Look, about what happened. It's not real. It was all a set up that I got tricked into by her."

"W-What?" you pulled away but Chuuya pulled you back harder.

"No, listen to me. I don't love her. She told me to say that because she set me up. She doesn't love me in a romantic way either."

"W-Wait... Then what does this mean?" you whispered, feeling your heart slowly accelerating its speed.

"Don't you get it?" he reached down to both of your hands as he intertwined his fingers with yours. He pulled away slightly, resting his forehead against yours. The wind swayed back and forth, making the sakura petals fall lightly and gracefully to the ground.

"I've always loved you from the very start. I love you."

The tears in your eyes stopped, feeling a huge rush of heat rush up to your cheeks. Chuuya squeezed your hand tighter, making your heart skip a beat. The whole world seemed beautiful to you. You felt the time go slow, a nice breeze whisking between your strands of hair. Chuuya wasn't blushing. He'd long to tell you these words. He wanted them to reach you.

"(F/N), will you go out with me?" he finally pulled away, not letting go of your hand.

Your heart was still beating faster each time. You waited. He waited. You both waited for this moment.

"Yes, Chuuya." your lips were curved up, your dimples crinkling on one side, your teeth perfectly aligned into a captivating smile. You were glowing and so was your love for him.

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