~ Chatper 2: New Feelings ~

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After asking him millions of questions I came to a conclusion and asked, "So, you're from a fairytale?" I slowly moved my hands from his feeling very uncomfortable.

His bright smile formed again," Yes, actually."

"But aren't fairytales fake? I mean that's that whole point if a fairytale they're made up." I walked to my queen sized bed, covered with grey silk covers and fluffy white pillows and sat down.

"Not necessarily." He he spoke with annoyance in his voice as he sat on the window ledge," Sure people say fictional characters aren't real, but they're lying to you. They just want to ruin your imagination because they know about certain things they don't want their children knowing or finding out. Why do you think these fairytales came to be?" He added as we made eye contact.

"Well in the books and movies it says you can fly, so prove it to me." I said almost in a whisper as a smirk spread onto my face. He leaned backwards and fell from the window startling me. "Peter!" I yelled jumping off my bed and running to the window. I leaned out to look at the ground, but it appeared to me he vanished into the darkness. "Peter!" I yelled again as tears formed in my eyes out of instinct and a feeling of sadness.

"Miss me?" A familiar voice called out. I looked up seeing what I thought was a dream; he was actually flying!

"Bloody hell! Don't ever do that again!" I yelled standing on the window ledge. My legs were trembling and my hand had slipped causing me to fall, however, peter caught me as soon as it began to happen.

"Easy now, you don't want to die at such a young age do ya?" He chuckled and held me close to his chest, as his grip tightened around my waist I could hear his heartbeat, it started to beat quickly. He gently placed me on the roof and backed away. I watched as his cheeks began to turn a crimson red. His Carmel brown hair and dark chocolate eyes glistened in the the bright moonlight as he turned to hide his flustered face. "You okay?" He asked sweetly.

"Yes, thank you." I said sighing with relief. I brushed off my night gown and looked at Peter as I heard bells jingle.

"Tink?" I heard Peter mumble. I looked at him confused as our eyes locked together. I could feel heat creep to my cheeks as he leaned in our faces getting closer together. "Your eyes are such a pretty blue I can almost see all the stars in them." I blushed more as he put his thumb under my chin and brought our lips inches from each other.

"T-thank you." I said shyly.

"You must have a boyfriend since you're this beautiful, heck if you do I'd be jealous!" I looked at him, my mouth slightly gaping open shocked. "Did I say something wrong?"

"N-No, no, no! But why would you be jealous?" I asked.

"Cause' you're cute, fearless, and the way you look at me just makes me smile." He flashed me his handsome white smile, causing me to turn a brighter red yet again. I heard the bells again, I turned around as I saw a little glowing light come towards Peter and I.

"H-hello?" I asked as the glowing light turned into a person. The person was a girl, she wore a bright green dress, green shoes with white Pom poms, and a green headband. Her eyes were a baby blue and her hair was blonde with a few silver streaks here and there, which was pinned back into a curled pony tail.

"Peter who is this?" The girl asked as she hid behind him probably frightened of my appearance. I mean I would to, I didn't plan on these things happening!

He sighed and said," Tink this is Mariah. Mariah, Tink."

"Isn't she destined to break the curse?" Tink cheerfully spoke as her wings fluttered causing bright yellow dust to fall off. I looked at her very strangely as my mind began to go fuzzy, but I shook it off not taking any mind to it.

"What do you mean by 'curse'?" I asked. Peter sighed as Tink looked at him, almost confused as if he was supposed to have already told me about this.


Well I hope you liked this chapter. And you all will figure out soon enough why there's a clock involved as said in chapter 1.

Stay tuned! Be sure to vote, comment, and share this! ♡

Lots of love!!!!

And sorry, not sorry for the cliff hanger!

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