~ Chapter 3: Heartfelt Memories ~

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"All fairytale characters are under a curse. They can't remember anything from their past or who they really are.  Time has completely stopped." He spoke, in some what an angry tone.

"What am I supposed to do about it?" I said running my fingers through my messy and tangled up hair.

"Well, true loves kiss always works!" Tink said happily fluutering her wings. I began to laugh which made Tink frown. "Well you seem to really like Peter, so I figured." I stopped laughing and began to blush like crazy.

"I-I don't like Peter." I said hiding my face in my night gown. I looked at Peter who then flashed another heart warming smile at me.

"But you two were great childhood friends! And when you called his name he would take you to Neverland and you two would throw parties at Skull rock all the time, didn't matter what day or anything. I mean of course you might not remember but it's true. You two were practically love birds!"

"Then obviously I'm dreaming, right?"

"No it's true." Peter said as he grabbed onto both my hands.

"Wow then I'm drunk!" I yelled as I heard something land next to my feet. I looked down beside me, there was a small bottle almost like a messenger bottle, but smaller. Inside it had what seemed to be a galaxy trapped inside but it somewhat a liquid form, and around it was a note. It said:

Sorry my beaut, I took yeer memories and replaced them with fake on-

"What does it say?" Peter interrupted.

"Hush!" I yelled as I began to read it again.

I took yeer memories and replaced them with fake ones. You told me to because you didn't want to remember ye own father. But I want you to remember me because well rather ye like it er not I am ye father! And also you didn't want to remember your feelings for Pan, or well I don't want ye to. Anyways darling here are ye memories! And remember I will always love ye. And I must apologize for me actions darling, I miss you and want ye back home soon.

Love ye Father, Hook. ~♡

Tears dripped off my chin and onto the message, I placed my left hand on my face not sure why I was crying. The note gave off a heartfelt vibe and I couldn't help it.

"You okay?" Peter asked as I completely broke down crying l. He looked at me concerned then hugged me. "Don't cry, you're to pretty to cry." I laughed slightly, wiping tears from my face.

"Thanks." I said sniffling and still chuckling slightly.

"What did the message say?" He asked as he took the bottle from me. "I can't read it! There's some type of blood magic over it." I looked at him and smiled as I took the bottle. I pulled the cork out and shrugged my shoulders as I began to drink whatever was in the small bottle.

"Hook is giving her memories back?" Tink said mesmerized by what was happening. I felt fuzzy as soon I was done with the bottle, then I began to float in the air, memories flashing before me eyes. One memory contained me and Peter. Peter had a wound on his chest, maybe a stab wound I presume, blood rushed down and onto the dry leaves beside him.

"Peter don't die on me!" I was yelling as I pushed on his chest repeatedly to start his heart. "If you die Neverland will no longer exist! Please get up! I need you Peter, everyone does! " Tears rolled down my face and onto his clothes. "Please." I said once more as I leaned down to where our heads touched. "I love you Peter, I wish I could've said this sooner." With what little strength Peter had, he came to, he grabbed the back of my head gently and weakly pulled me into a small peck on the lips.

"Mariah?" A voice called out faintly in the back. My eyes fluttered open as I saw Peter smiling, relieved that I had awaken. "Oh thank you lady Author! You had me worried."

"Well I'm fine now aren't I?" I said sitting up holding my head trying to comprehend what had happened.

"What happened?" Tink asked sitting on her knees.

"I don't remember." I said standing up. I knew lying was bad but, this is too personal. "Maybe a fluke?" I said walking away when someone pulled on my arm.

"Mariah I know you're lying!" Peter yelled pulling me towards him and lifting my chin up. "Please tell me."

"I truly don't remember, it's faint but there. I only rememeber one thing out of everything that happened!" My head dropped with disappointment of myself.

"Well what was it?" He asked kindly lifting my face back up to his. And oh, how I looked into those beautiful chocolate brown eyes that I completely losing my train of thought.


Well I hope you enjoyed this so far. So for the so many cliffhangers.

But stay tuned for tommorow's post! Also be sure to vote, comment, and share! ♡

I love you all lots and thank you for everything you all do!

And I apologize for not posting yesterday. I was just super busy with my church group and didn't get the time to post. But I'll post twice today just for you lovelies! ♡

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