Chapter 10

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(so, Robert and Kayla are both sitting on a bench outside the store that both their friends went into?)

Hello, my name is Kayla, what is yours?

My name is Robert, what do you like to do?

I like to go hiking and swimming, and yourself?

I like to go swimming and sleeping. Hey we have something in common.

Where do you live?

I live in Ellicott. My best friend lives in peyton, his name is Justin

Cool, I live in Ellicott. Me and Justin are very good friends.

And also I will see him on the 25th, do you have a phone?


What's your number?

Not saying,


I don't know you that well, but let's start, I'll be here till 5. I also will be going to agate this weekend and it's doesn't have WI-FI, fun for me!!!

So, do you have a boyfriend?

ROBERT,I just meet you, and you think I'm that beautiful to dude. ARE CRAZY

Yes, I'm crazy over how amazing and wonderful you are. You bring light into my eyes

You are so stupid, I'm leaving, don't follow me. I mean it.

(slowly Robert walks over to Kayla, hoping she and made up her mind on dating him, because they are the same age. And he wants to get to know her with the same light in her eyes, as he saw when he first meet her)

I told you not to follow me at all, why are you here?

You know in Cinderella 3, the prince falls in love with the girl by touch, well that's how I feel about you. Please don't be ashamed

No, I'm not ashamed because that is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard from a boy, with a naughty look

Really! I was just speaking from the heart? But I'm g;ad you liked the way it came out, cause I thought I was going to sound like an idiot

No, you'll never sound like that in my eyes

So what's the answer?

I don't know, I mean we just meet, and I guess we had a connection. And think it could last few months or even more. I would just have to think about it. When I come up with the answer, here's my number (608)-123-4567

Ok, thanks, so you will text me later for the answer

Yea, later sounds good

(later as Kayla is texting her best friend who would support her thought thick and thin, her name is Kylee)

Kayla, you meet him at the mall, and he asked you to go out with him, HE'S CRAZY!!!!

I know, but I feel like I have known him longer then just the time at the mall

Really, I mean what did you have in common?

We both know Justin and like to go swimming, but that's basically it

KAYLA, how do feel like you have known him for a long time?

I think it was at a burn with my mom and friends others and one of them brought there sons or it was at school, and I think that's were we meet. What if we meet around fire, our love could be like a fire, how cute?

That is really cute, think well since you meet him before the mall, everything should be ok!!

(know it's Robert's turn to talk to his best bud Justin)

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