Mother! Pharah x Daughter! Reader x Grandma Ana

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Ana's POV:

'I have been hiding in the shadows for too long. I want to see my daughter and how she is doing. But I also want to see if she has given me grandchildren yet. I overhear she has join Overwatch like I did. Why not drop by to my old team to say hi and same with my daughter.' I thought to myself as I start heading to the new Overwatch building's location.

**********Time Skip**********

Once I got to the entrance of the building, a few of the security guards at the entrance stop me from going into the building.

"Halt. Who goes there? I am sorry sir but I am going to have to ask you to leave the premise." The guard tells me as I still have my visor on my face and my hood over my head.

"Need somebody to tuck you in?" I tell him as I bring out my familiar blue rifle gun.

The guard gives me a confuse look at what I said to him. I aim the gun at him and shot him with a sleeping dart. He instantly falls to the ground, asleep. I pass over him and run into the building.

As I got inside the building, I notice the hallway is empty and no sounds is being made, besides my boots hitting the floor, as I head on further into the building.

"Excuse me, but who are you? If you do not leave this building immediately I will tell all the age..." I heard Athena start to say but I interrupt her.

"Hello old friend. How are you doing all these years? Also please do not tell any of the agents I am here. I want to surprise them, Athena." I tell her.

"Agent Amari, is it you? It is so good to hear your voice. Everyone thinks you went missing. Also your daughter, Fareeha, has a surprise for you. But I'm not going to tell you what the surprise is." She tells me.

"I forgot to ask, but is the design and architecture of the new base similar to the old one? Plus, when I get into the lounge, can you put the lights out when I take a seat." I ask her.

"Yes everything from the old building is similar to the new one. Alright I will do it for you. Also we have a spare room for you to have as your own, and you are in luck it is by your daughter's room. Another thing, you might want to hurry to the lounge because everyone is almost to the building from their missions they're assigned." She tells me, I nod in understanding and start speed walking to the lounge room.

I made it into the lounge room. I sit down on one of the chairs with my visor still on my face and my rifle on the ground, but leaning in front of me. I had my back to the entrance and the lights went out.

True to what Athena told me, I start to hear many voices conversing together. But what I hear next surprises me because a small child's squeal of happiness is made in which causes everyone to stop talking all together.

"Awunty Twacer. Eweryone." The squeaky happy voice said.

"Hey there, love. How was your day while we were gone?" Tracer said.

"It was okay, but miss. Athena makes suwe I having fun and makes suwe I ate my food duwen meal time. I got to color a picture for everyone and mommy. But no nap." The child's voice said to Tracer.

I hear many sets a feet start walking down the hallway again.

"My this is a pretty picture, sweetie. Also do you want a piggyback ride on uncle Winston's back?" Tracer says and I hear a little high pitch squeal as a response to her question.

I hear a deep laugh I can recognize from anywhere as one of my many old friend, Winston.

"Up we go, (F/N). Now remember don't slip while sitting up there, okay. I do not want another accident to happen again. Also be gentle with my fur as you hold on." I hear Winston say to this (F/N) person.

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