Chapter 1

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This is what I imagine Ayasha to look like ( hair dyed black of course) outfit is different it'll be shown next chapter


The brunette was pushed onto the ground, a kunai pressed firmly against her throat "Kill me, I dare you Sasuke Uchiha" she said her voice smooth and like music to the ears if one was to stop and listen. A large grin was spread across her face as she looked at him her eyes spoke a different story, one of a girl who was absolutely petrified and wanted out. The raven who straddled her looked at her his dark obsidian eyes filled with resent but not one that was aimed towards her. The resent that boiled deep within him was aimed towards the disgusting Sannin of the village he once called home. Pulling his fist back he looked at the girl with a look of apology as he brought his fist down of her face knocking her into unconsciousness.

*Flash Back to 6 Years Earlier*

"Daddy! Daddy!" A small seven year old girl shouted moving through the empty has of the underground hideout. As she ran her feet became tangled within the long length of her over sized cloak, as she fell she let out a loud scream knowing how much it was going to hurt if she hit the ground. Arms wrapped tightly around the girls waist pulling her up, she turned her big brown tear filled eyes thy met with the bright blue one that belong to her father. "Daddy! " She shouted wrapping her tiny around  the Blondes neck, "What have I told you about running around Aya?" He spoke his voice stern but gentle. "Not to daddy" she murmured looking at her hands with a pout. She squirmed and wriggled from her hands, she remembered her father knew nothing for cooking and could not help her. Pushing past him she went to find someone who could cook for her and not threaten her life or cause harm later on in her life.

She moved towards a door one that everyone feared to enter, one that even if you entered and thought you weren't caught you were. Not a single person in the Akatsuki dared to enter the private room of Leader-sama. Unless you were Konan or little Ayasha, not that leader would admit it but he had a soft spot for the girl. Waltzing into the room she looked up at the orange haired male, "Ayasha. How many times do I have to tell you to at least knock before you enter?" He asked looking at the girl.

She looked at him her big brown doe eyes meeting the purple ringed eyes, "I know I know Uncle I should knock but I forget too" she said looking down her mid back length hair moving to cover her face. Pain scooped up the pouting girl and sat her on his lap, "Do pout you know that's my weakness you silly girl" he said tickling her. Ayasha let out a squeal and squirmed about, "no no uncle I just want food!" She shouted her face turning red. He looked at her, "why not ask your father or one of the others Aya I'm busy" he said stroking her head. She crossed her arms, "Kisame only cooks fish, Tobi only gives me sweets, Itachi is too obsessed with cooking eggs, dad blows up anything he cooks, Konan normally cooks but she's not here and the other don't like to cook" she said looking at him with her pouting face. He sighed and looked at her, "I get it, I'll be back with something for you to eat" he said patting her head.

As he stood up a loud explosion echoed through the hideout. "It's probably your dad you stay here I'll be back" Pain said leaving swiftly. Aya sat on his bed and watched the door, slowly it opened to revel a black hired male with nearly white skin. Aya saw this man once before and she knew he was nothing good he was a bad guy even to people like the Akatsuki. "Oh so this girl is the child of that blonde who took my place" the man's voice brought Aya back from her zoning out. She jumped up and back away her small body trembling, "w-who are you? What do you want with me?" She asked trying to hide the fact she stuttered.

"Well for who I am, I'm your new dad and what I want with you that you ill find out soon enough" he said with a grin. She felt something hit her arm, she looked down seeing a needle in her arm soon she started to feel dizzy black dots appeared in her vision as she faded from reality.

*Flash Back End*

Aya sat up grasping the bed, she rubbed her eyes "that bastard I'll kill him, wring his throat and make him suffer like I have he will feel what I did" she growled lowly. A scoff was heard across the room, she looked over and saw Sasuke, "Ayasha do honestly think you could never get close to the Sanin? Like seriously here you are just a pathetic excuse of a human, you can barely even lay a finger on me for crying out loud." Sasuke said glaring at the girl.

Aya turned her gaze from him her eyes focusing on a blue book among black ones, this book was her drawing book it held detailed drawing of each and everyone of the Akatsuki. To her the drawings helped keep her sanity in tact, she drew them as happy as she could and late at night she would look at them to help her. She had stolen the paper from Orochimaru's room when he wasn't around and draw in secret so Orochimaru wouldn't know if he did, Aya didn't even want to think what he would to her if he found out. A shadow moved into her vision blocking her view of her bookshelf, her eyes refocused in front of her to see Sasuke inches away from her face gasping softly she scooted back only to soon find the concrete wall behind her.

"My my what do we have here? Sasuke are you trying to make a move on my very Beautiful daughter?" Orochimaru said eying up Aya. She felt his Brown eyes travel down her body eying the visible parts of her skin, she pulled her knees to her chest and tucking herself down not liking the way he was watching her. "Get out you snake" Sasuke said glaring towards Orochimaru. The taller raven looked towards the Uchiha before turning and leaving the room Ayasha didn't miss the smirk that was on his face though, growling Sasuke turned to look at me "Are you really that disgusting mans daughter? How can you be? You are nothing like him and he definitely can't get a woman in bed without it being raped" He said glaring at her. She looked down at her hands keeping to herself not answering him at all, she thought about how she would answer the question not wanting him to hate her as well.

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