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The day I was getting my cast off was a very relieving day. According to the doctor it healed quicker than expected and after a big of physiotherapy I would be back to myself.

Of course as soon while I was getting it off Lachlan was by my side probably texting either Preston or one of the guys, he was almost happier than I was getting the damn thing off!

"See babe it won't be long now till we'll be out on the waves surfing." Lachlan cheered as he named the numerous things I could now do since my cast was off, mostly he talked about my surfing lessons which if you couldn't tell he was very excited to teach me.

"Just imagine next time Preston and the rest of the pack come over you'll be surfing the waves just like the rest of us, heck maybe even better!" He enthused excitedly as we drove home, I chuckled and shook my head in amusement at his enthusiasm.

"I love you."

Lachlan smiled lacing his hand with mine while his other stayed on the steering wheel, "I love you too."


"Okay Scarlett, carefully stand up on the board, I'll hold it for you to make it easier." Lachlan instructed.  I nodded and tried to move my body from lying down to a kneel but felt the board wobble and gasped.

"Try tucking your feet underneath your body," I did as he said and slowly moved so I was kneeling but still gripping the board tightly, "Okay, now try standing, don't worry I'll steady the board."

I nodded and slowly started to push myself up, I felt the board move from the oceans waves even with Lachlan holding it and paused before continuing until I was crouched down, "Stand, you'll be fine." Lachlan reassured me, finally I began to stand.

When I was fully up I cheered, "I did i-" I started to cheer only to wobble and fall into the water, the sound of Lachlan's laughter was muffled by the water.

I emerged from the water with a pout on my face, "Well, you almost had it." Lachlan chuckled not even bothering to hold it in. I lightly hit him on the chest, "I'm trying again."


"Hey see? You're a natural." Lachlan chuckled after I finally stood up on the board without falling after the ninth? Tenth attempt? Well that was frustrating, but hey I did it!

"Okay so you have the paddling down and getting up, now it's to just practice doing it and then you'll be surfing the waves in no time!" Lachlan promised, I smiled from the excitement that radiated off Lachlan.

For the next hour I practiced and practiced and only fell a few times and even surfed my first wave.... It was a very small wave and I did fall but hey it was still my first wave!

"So, how did you find your first lesson?" Lachlan asked as we both dried off using the towels we brought, "Fun I guess, a bit annoying at the start but hey I got better." I chuckled and Lachlan joined me surprising me with a quick kiss before going back off to drying himself.

After we got dressed we gave the boards back to the beach hut where we rented them from so we didn't have to worry about bringing our own ones down.

Lachlan Skyped Preston and Rob who was at Preston's for the week and began to tell them my achievement before they started recording. "So you think you'll be a pro surfer next time we're up Scarlett?" Rob laughed half joking.

"Oh you know it!" I played along, we all talked a bit more until the guys had to record and I stayed quietly lying on the bed reading a book while I also listened in and quietly chuckled to the boys ranting and raving while they played a map on minecraft.

The Real Me (A CraftBattleDuty/Sidemen Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now