Your mine now

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(hello my mutants... so my results are coming tomorrow, this could truly be my last post because my mother might kill me. Just kidding.... I hope, but enough of that and lets find out WHAT THIS BITCH LEWIS IS UP TOO also photo up top is him )

you were sitting very still as he held the knife to your leg "well my love... I want you... but I see you have a little life her and~ I just cant let you do that" you took a deep breath in "If you touch any of them I wil-" he grabbed your arm pulling you closer "dont you dare speak to me like that.... plus I aint gonna hurt them, well I will if you dont do as your told" you then felt something being pressed to your neck "w-what are you d-doing?" your voice became higher and your breathing speed up. He then leaned in to you "you know, I never stopped thinking of you when I was in that hell hole" you then felt a shot of pain in your neck and it just spreaded through like a burn "ahhh....s-shit" you held your neck and looked at his hand, he held some sort of drug gun "w-what" he then cupped you chin and brought you closer.

you seemed to be in shock because you didn't pull away "your mine now... see ive injected you with little bots and they are spreaded through out your body. If you do something that I dont like" he then pulled out a small remote from his pocket "all I have to do is press the button and you'll get a full body shock... fun huh?" you were so terrified now 'oh my god, I need raph... I need someone' you looked to see if anyone could see you, but no luck.

You started to feel a little dizzy " bastard"you said as you tried to get away, he laughed "awe you remember my daddy issues" you felt his come up behind you, he placed his hands on your shoulders and whispred into your ear "you'll learn soon... im the only person who truly cares for you" he then got up and walked away ", someone help" you could hardly speak from the burning going through your body.

You watched as lewis walked away. You then got up but you still felt dizzy "i need to get out of here" you tried to walk down the steps but you left to your knees and let out a small yelp. You grabbed on to the rayling to get yourself back up, but you then saw someone standing next to you, you looked up to see it was the guy who was hitting on you from the table 'h god, could this get worst' you looked away hoping he'd leave you alone "you okay?" he asked, he sounded worried "s-someone drugged me, I need help" you said, you felt an arm going around your waist "ill help you, where you want to go?" you looked at him with a shocked expersion "t-to my changing room, I need to call one of my boyfriends brothers" you said as you wrapped your arm around his neck.

He quickly took you to the changing room and placed you down "there you go" he said, you were still confused "why did you help me?" he then cracked his knuckles "umm... I guess ya kind remind me of my wife... well I ain't even sure if she's still my wife" he was sad when he said the last part "whats your name?" you asked as you picked out your phone "Sean... Sean McKenna" you held out your hand "im (y/f/n)" he shock your hand and then you smiled "well Sean, if i'm anything like your wife then I think you should go to her. It doesn't matter what happen, if your willing to fix it... then i'm sure things will work out" Sean smirked at your little speech "thanks (y/n)" he then said he's goodbyes to let you make your call.

You werent sure what was going through your head, but you decided to call donnie. At first it was ringing out but he finally answered "hello?" you were releaved that he answered "hey donnie... I aint feel too good... could you come pick me up at my work please" you waited to hear his answer "umm... sure thing. Why didn't you call raph?" you then sighed "i wanted you to take a look at me, see if ive... caught something" Donnie then agreed to come over to get you. As soon as you got off the phone to donnie, you began to pack your stuff, you changed from your stage clothes into your clothes from this morning.

You decided to go out back instead of the front, just to be extra safe you took one of the knifes you had hidden in the room. You opened the door to the alley way to see it was raining "oh just perfect" you stepped out and waited for Donnie, you then began to feel weird "...he was bluffing, theres no way he put those things in me" you then began to heat up a little. You then heard a thud to your right "donnie?" you said ask you looked down the alley "that's me" he said with a cheerful voice, you smiled as you hugged him "thanks for coming to pick me up, I just felt a little off, ya know?" he hugged you before lifting you up "its cool, I mean we're family now. Come on, lets get out of the rain" you nodded as you held on, he took your bag to before jumping up to the roof tops and running to the new house 'oh this is the first time ill see the house all set up' you thought to yourself "so is anyone else home" you asked jump to be less awkward "nope, It was just me... master splinter wanted to go to the gardens for a walk, mikey went skateboarding... and leo... well Im not too sure what hes up too" he seemed to have that smile on his face again,you smirked to yourself 'I can take a guess where he is' you where in your own little world just thinking.

You didnt even realise that donnie had stopped but you were brought out of thought went donnie placed you dont on your feet "its so nice to use doors now" doonie said as he opened the front door to there house.

You stepped in to see it was dark "why is all the lights off?" you took off your jumper, you did have a vest on under, donnie walked to the kitchen and flipped a light on "i guess we're so use to dull light rooms that we dont really use the lights" he said whilst going to another room "you should give me the tour... this place looks great" you looked at all around till you finally found donnie again "okay sit here and ill check you, okay?" you nodded your head and sat down.

Donnie began to check your heart beat which was a little awkward because he had to lean down a little since he was so tall, when he was done he wanted to check your voice "can you speak please" he said as he held his fingers to your neck "so you have idea were leo is huh?... strange~" you sang, donnie looked to you and then smirk "i perfectly aware of his where abouts... and who hes with" he said as he got up and walked to the other side of the room, leaving you with your jaw wide open.

(so smarty pants figured it out, of course he did, he knows his bros so well that you cant get anything by his... well sometimes. ALSO SOMEONE SAID THEY WANTED TO MAKE LEO AND DARYL AN ACTULE SHIP LIKE LARYL OR DEO, WHAT DO GUYS THING. I would freak out if like fan art of the two started showing up but yeah hop you like this chapter and as always GOODNIGHT)








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