First Day

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The lady seemed nice. All she did was hand me a schedule and my locker number. But I liked to see the best in people. Ironic right.

I walked to where the lady said my locker would be. The school was quite small so it was easy. As I walked down the hall I saw my locker. It was spray painted with the words killer on it.

First day and I would have to run. I was about to turn around and book it. But then I saw a boy walk to "my locker". And open it. So I continued.

My number was 245. right beside the marked locker. He didn't look overly impressed.

"Need some help", I asked.

He kind of looked at me like I was an alien.

He shook his head. Then looked at me.

" Hi my name is Sierra Woods", I said.

He looked at me again.

"Ryder Vance"

He just wasn't talkative. Fine by me


It was cold. Very cold. I couldn't do anything about temperature.

I laid there. In the alleyway. Park benches were a little obvious. I hated my life.

I felt like I was freezing to death. I was so cold. This was the coldest it had ever been in September.

I didn't get a jacket in time. And this was punishment.


I jumped. I was terrified. I looked up. It was Ryder.

Wow. One day.

"It's not what you think", I replied. On instinct.

"Sierra, what are you doing".

" I fell asleep. On my way home", I replied.

" Really? just slammed down onto the pavement" he asked.

" It's not what you think".

"I think your homeless".

" Well what about you", I replied


"You had killer written on your locker". I yelled


"So, you obviously have secrets too".

"Maybe I do", he yelled.

He took me to a park bench across the alleyway. We sat there for a minute before he began to speak.

" Lucy Stone was my best friend for years. When grade eight began she told me I wasn't cool enough to be her friend anymore. I felt betrayed but she told me that we could still be friends in secret. I was okay with it until the end of tenth grade when we had a giant fight. At her house. I told her I was her friend or I wasn't. She told me that things would change tomorrow. The next morning then news came out that she had been murdered earlier. I was one of the last people to see her. The last according to the cops. So they blamed me. I was the most reasonable choice. The trials in a bit. And the odds are good I'm going to jail. No one has even talked me since then. My parents don't even think I'm innocent anymore".

He stopped. Why would he ever tell me something that personal. I didn't even know him.

"Your turn".

I looked at him.

I shook my head.

"No fair, I went its your go" he said.

" you plead your innocent. Ill plead my guilt", I said.

Now he was confused.

" Yours is public knowledge. I've never told anyone", I continued.

"What can I do" he asked.

"Chase me out of town", I joked.

"Sierra", he said.

"Don't call me that", I said.

"What should I call you", he asked.

I had to tell him.

"Did you ever hear about Halloween Evers or Calner", I asked.

"Everyone has, why"?

"What do you know" I asked.

"Calner was wiped out by a tsunami And only Halloween survived. She ran away after a year of foster care. There have been posters around for years. there's been a reward out for a year now. Five hundred dollars", he explained.

"Let me guess your Halloween", he said.

I nodded. Then I quickly jumped up.

"Please give me ten minute head start" I begged.

"Calm down Hallow, I'm not going to turn you in", he said.

" Thank you" I whispered.

We sat together. For the rest of the night. We just sat. He asked me twice if I wanted to go somewhere else and I told him I was good.

When the sun rose we walked back to school. We never said a word. Once school was done he looked at me and spoke.

"When was the last time you ate", he asked.

"A week".

"A week" he asked.


" Lets go get something to eat", he suggested.

I shook my head.

"Why not", he asked.

" I don't have any money", I explained.

"I can buy" he started.

"No", I yelled.

"I mean, ill have no way of paying you back", I said.

"Hallow", he began than stopped.

"Sierra", he started. "It's like two bucks for a burger", he said.

"Listen I've lasted two years I don't suddenly need someone to take care of me".

I walked away. But he followed.





I ran.

I ran for hours. I didn't even know where I was anymore. I was in a forest. I was cold and scared.

I sat there. Until I fell asleep.

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