I think you're CRAZY

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3 days later

  I was getting a dressed for the mascaraed dance. It was black and red. I got my mask and put it on. I was going with out Jason because he was doing things for the house, but I have the girls. We have to look for the black swan anyway. I went to Spencer's, all ready to leave and we left for the dance.
"You look nice" I said to her
"So do you" she said. We linked arms and we continued on our way.
"How is Jason with the house?" Spence asked me
"Ok, but he has to stay in Philly for a while, Im Going with him over the summer." I told her
"That's nice" she sighed
"I know you miss toby" I said
"Yeah" she sighed. We got to the party and went in. A lot of people were there. All the girls and I walked around looking for the black swan. I saw a person in a big black dress with a swan mask. I gasped and headed over there then someone grabbed my arm. I turned scared. They started dancing with me.
      "I'm sorry, I don't have time to dance" I said and tried to pull away. They held me and lifted my mask. Then they lifted theirs
      "Ezra?" I asked
     "Aria I love you, please just love me too" he begged
      "No Ezra, stop" he just kept holding me and dancing with me. I tried to pull away again. So I danced with him for one song. After the song her tried to pull me and hold me longer.
      "Ezra no, I don't love you! I'm with someone else now" I yelled and backed away and ran the way that the black swan ran. I found Hanna and Emily and we ran together. The swan ran threw a door and it shut. We couldn't get in.
      "What now" Hanna cried. Then I got a call from Spencer. We all watched the face time. She was scared in a car with Mona. Mona was saying she was A.
      "Mona's A?" Emily asked and Hanna started to cry. We all ran out of the dance and got in Hanna's car. As Hanna was speeding she was crying. Emily and I were trying to figure out everything going on. We got to where they were and we saw Spencer run out of the car and Mona follow. Mona stopped when she saw the car but Hanna didn't stop when she saw her.
"Hanna stop!!" Emily and I screamed. She brought the car to a halt. She just sat there then Mona scream bloody murder and went after Spencer again. We got out of the car and tried to help. Suddenly Mona flipped over the cliff and just laid there.
"Did you kill her?" Emily asked
"No, no I couldn't have" Spencer panicked.
Before we knew it cops were every where. The paramedics got Mona and she was ok. She was going to a mental institution. We all walked to Emily's house. We looked around and saw cop cars.
"We just saw them" Hanna complained. Emily walked to her mom and we followed
"They found a body" her mom cried. We all stared waiting for who it was.
"They think it's maya" Emily went in shock. She was balling. Hanna hugged her and held her from running over there. I cried too and so did the others. I can't believe another death. After about an hour of crying with the girls at the crime scene. I walked away and walked and walked until I reached Jason's street. I saw him getting ready to leave for the night to Philly. He goes back and forth right now until he figures the house plans. I caught him bringing stuff to the car. I walked up to him with still tears and I had dirt all over my dress and face. He looked at me worried.
"I just need a hug" I told him and he hugged me so tight that I knew I was save I didn't question it.
"Do you want to come with me tonight?" He asked me. I nodded yes. So I got in the car with Him and we drove to my house first to grab a few things and I could change, then we got back on the road.
"Wanna tell me why you were crying and covered in dirt?" He asked as he drove. I explained to him everything about A and what was going on. I told him about Mona and what happened with that.
"So Mona Vanderwal was tormenting you all and you said nothing?" He was confused
"We didn't know it was her until tonight, she is in radley now" I answered him
"And then we went back to Emily's but there were police all around, they found Maya st.germans body" I told him he went in shock
"Another girl dead?" He asked
"Yeah" I almost cried again. We road in silence. Just the music. Then I turned the radio down a little and he looked at me.
"Ezra was at the dance tonight, and he tried to convince me to take him back. He made me dance with him then I pulled away and told him I was with someone else" I blurted out to Jason
"Did he hurt you?" Jason asked
"No, I just felt guilty but I don't know why" I told him
"You did nothing wrong" he grabbed my hand
"I know" I gave him a sad smile.
"Listen we will have a great summer together, whether we are rosewood or in philly" Jason smiled at me then kissed my hand. I had a real genuine smile on my face.

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