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In this your Batman's sister.
No love interest.(ok maybe a tiny bit of Nightwing)
Your around 21 or so.

"Ah Miss (Y/N) thank you so much for coming on such short notice.The boys are in the living area."Alfred Bruce's butler said as I stepped inside the House.

"Thank you so much Alfie!I'm so happy Bruce invited me to watch the kids.They are all so nice."I say as I walk into the living room.I see Jason and Damian watching a movie on the couch,Tim studying in the chair,and I have no clue where Dick is.

"Hey guys!Guess who's babysitting."I say as they all look up.

"(Y/N)!"They all shout coming to give me a hug.

"Thank god your watching us instead of Selina. She is the worst."Damian says as he returns to his seat.

"Oh I'm sure she's not that bad.One question why can't Alfred or Dick watch you guys.I mean I love y-"I start,but get cut off by Jason.

"We all got in trouble on our last mission.And Alfred is going to visit his wife in England for the week.Dick is at Mount Justice too.Bruce had a Dinner party he had to attend.Sooo we got you which is awsome!"Wow lots of stuff going on tonight.

"What movie are you watching?"I ask sitting on the couch.

"I'm showing Damian what Harry Potter is.Why?"Jason asked.

"Because I got this cool horror movie that's not going to come out till next year.It's supposed to be so scary Superman has nightmares."I say cooly as I pull the movie out of my purse.Tim looks scared.Damian seems happy,and Jason seems unimpressed.

"Ya right. Come on put it in.I don't get scared."
Jason says.

"Are you sure we should watch a horror movie this late?" Tim asks.

"Oh come on!It's only 8:00."Damian says.So I put the movie in the DVD player and hit play.

*Time Skip*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

The credits rolled and everybody looked petrified except me since I watched the movie so many times.Jason looked like he was the most scared.

"I thought you said you don't get scared Todd."

"How in the world are you not scared!?"

"I watched this movie a billion times already.I just put it on to see all your faces."I laughed
"and their priceless!"

"Whatever!"Jason said annoyed.Then the sound of a door opening and closing quietly was heard.

"Did you hear that?"Tim said.I stand up walking over to the archway that led to the living room.

"Guys come on no ones hear.This is a thing called paranoia."I say with a smirk on my face.

"Is what's behind you considered paranoia."Damian crossed his arms.I slowly look behind me to see Nightwing with a smirk on his face.I jumped a little.

"Nice to see you too Grayson."I say as I huff.Some of my (H/C) hair getting in my face.I heard some of the boys snicker.I turn to give them the famous bat glare.I have it too.They quickly shut up.

"Did I give you a heart attack by my jump scare or by my good looks?"He flirts.I quickly roll my eyes.Then smirk.

"or was I hoping to jump in your arms?"I say.I quickly hear gagging sounds behind me.

"How about since we're all here let's go kick some bad guys-"

"Bruce said we can't go patrolling all this week."Dick cut me off.

"No guns,No Killing,and Only till 2am are my rules for patrolling since I don't see Bruce around."I say.I just wanted to have some fun kicking bad guys butts.

"And this is why your my favorite Wayne."
Damian said as he headed down to the cave along with Dick,Tim,and a sad looking Jason.Proabably because I said no guns and no killing.I decided to stay in the cave to help out instead of on the streets.Dick and I flirting every now and again.When the boys came back we all passed out in the cave while still in our costumes.Let's just say Bruce wasn't the happiest camper when he got back,but he knew it was probably (Y/N)'s idea.He also knew that Dick and (Y/N) should just date already.

So this is my first one shot!Sorry if it's not the best.Thanks for reading.See you later!
Word Count:732

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