New lease on life

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James slowly opened his eyes and stared blankly at the ceiling for a few minutes. "Am I dead?" He asked himself before slapping his hand against his forehead. "That's a dumb question.

He sat up but still thought about his last waking moments. Bar, joke, stab stab stab, and then some lady was holding me.

He stood up and stretched. The clothes he had been wearing earlier had been replaced by a clean pair of what looked to be alter robes. "It's not my style but it's better then going around naked." He muttered as he dressed himself.

After adoring his figure in a nearby mirror he walked toward the door and slowly opened it. Once he stepped into the hallway he was spooked by a hidden voice saying "Hello."

He jumped and turned to see a large woman with blue hair and bright green eyes. She smiled brightly and stared at James, awaiting a response from him.

"U-uh...hello?" He gave a small awkward wave and looked the large woman up and down.

"You're James correct?" She asked leaning forward. Before he could reply she giggled. "Of course you are. I knew everything about you as soon as we made eye contact."

James brow furrowed. "Ok is everyone a smart ass lately." He asked and resumed a normal stance.

"Well that's not a polite way to address a goddess, but yes I guess I did come off as so. My name is Maria The Goddess of Knowledge. Whenever I look into a mortals eyes I can see every single second of their life." She giggled. "And might I say that yours has been quite interesting lately."

"Hey what's that supposed to mean!" He shouted and crossed his arms.

"It means you almost died and now you have to live here from now on." She said and poked a stern finger against his chest.

"Wait what?" He asked with a blank face.

She sighed and flicked his forehead. "Don't you remember the deal you made with Angelica? In exchange for immortality you have to serve the Goddess'."

"Oh ya...I forgot about that." He stared down and sighed. "Where do I start?"

"Just fallow me and I'll find a job for you." Maria walked past him and down the hallway as he walked a few paces behind her.

Ok so I'm not dead, and I have to work at this place forever. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? He thought to himself as he glanced around the halls seeing paintings and small statues depicting either battlefields or Angels. Suddenly in the middle of his glances they settled on the large backside of the woman ahead of him. His eyes shot wide as he couldn't pull his eyes away from it. Holy shit. Ok that may be nice but remember working forever sucks.

"I can hear you James and frankly my ears are burning." She giggled and turned to face him. "Countless men have lusted for the body of a Goddess but you are the only one to set foot here. I think it will be fun to see how that turns out. Especially when you run into Katrina."

"W-who's Katrina?" He asked blushing after being discovered staring.

"Why she's The Goddess of Fertility, and I'm sure she'd relish the chance to embrace a mortal for the first time." Maria teased and pressed her bust against James's chest.

"But if she's the goddess of fertility then how is she a virgin?" He asked through a thick blush.

"She just grants Fertility to those who pray to her, but I'm sure she'd give you lots of love." Maria said giggling and patting James's shoulder. "I'm sorry I'm just teasing you, but let's continue shall we?"

The two walked side by side until they entered a massive library. James stared in awe at the seemingly endless shelves of books.

"This is my Library. It contains every book ever written by mankind, and even some written by other higher beings." She said and walked over and grabbing a book from the shelf next to her. "Now your job is to reorganize all the books that have fallen onto the ground. It happens more often then you think and I get tired of cleaning I myself."

"Oh great so I have to do it?" James asked as his shoulders slouched and he stared at the large stacks of literature covering the floor.

"Yes indeed, but what is that saying some humans use? Hard labor is good for the soul?" She paced around as she read. "But after you clean these up I'll make sure to find a reward for you.

"It better be one hell of a reward after this." He muttered and began sorting through the books.

The task took a number of hours but by the time he had finished he was at the top of one of the tall shelves. He stared into the seemingly endless library and thought aloud. "Seeing something like this...really makes you feel insignificant." He peered over the edge at what seemed to be a hundred foot drop.

"Whatcha thinking about?" A sudden voice sounded making James jump slightly.

He turned and saw the gentle smiling face of Angelica. She giggled and waved.

"H-hello....Angelica was it?" He asked regaining his composure.

"Yep that's me." She said and took a seat against the edge. "It's a nice view isn't it? You should see the one from outside. It's absolutely breath taking." She sighed happily and looked up to James. "I see that Maria is already putting you to work."

"I most certainly am." Her voice sounded as she walked across the shelf to them. "And since James did such a good job I have to reward him." She said pulling the man against her side in a one armed hug, his body gently sinking into her doughy side. "I'm sure he'll like what I have in mind." She winked and put on a broad smile. "Now how about we go to my room and I'll show it to you."

James blushed and pulled himself from Maria"s grip and took a few steps back while he blushed and tried to stutter out a response.

"Watch the edge James." Angelica said pointing towards it.

"Huh?" He said before realizing he had back peddled towards the edge, but before he could stop he had lost his balance and fell over the edge and began to plummet downwards.

He continued to fall until he felt himself slam against the floor with a loud crack before his vision faded to black.

That's chapter two, and three will be up in a day or so. Please comment if you have an idea you want to see, and please vote and fallow of you enjoyed.

(Next chapter is NSFW)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2017 ⏰

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