School .-.

37 3 16

School was fun. This is how break went
Me: *standing around just wondering what I could do when I get tackled*
Me: *trying to look around when @HBawesome123456789 and XxDream20xX come into view*
Ry: well thats how (I CANT REMEMBER IT, OK GUYS ;-; ) you greet someone you haven't seen all summer
HB: * laughing*
HB, be lucky you didnt break my glasses when you tackled me XD they were in a side pouch on my bookbag XD
Sadly I have no classes with Ry but I have like 1 or 2 with HB. ;-;
And did you know that at our school, if your phone is in your pocket and it falls out on accident it gets taken away from you for 30 days or you pay $25 to get it back early?

Starbucks (randomness book)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt