chapter one

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Louis wasn't new to change.

He wasn't new to moving across the country multiple times a year. He wasn't new to temporary homes and short lived friendships. He never really understood why he moved. When he asked his mom, she'd say "to run." Then the topic would be dismissed.

But to where, exactly?

So when Louis was told this home would be permanent, he didn't know how to react, because nothing was permanent for him. But now, it is.

And Louis is pretty new to that.

Which brings him here, standing on the soil of his new and permanent school.

If he knew that this would come up sooner than later, he would've prepared. Because he didn't know how this would feel until now.

Slowly, his two feet start on their own, and suddenly he's wandering the halls of his new school. Many students brush past him, some of them stopping to lay eyes on the new kid, others too invested in something else. But Louis is used to being invisible, he wasn't the one to make friends.

He wasn't the one to make enemies either.

As if a coincidence, Louis bumps into another student with an 'oompf'. The schedule that was once in his hand, along with the pile of books and folders, are now on the floor.

Along with himself.

Louis wasn't scared. He's had his share of new student initiations and bully beat-ups. Of course, he's won most.

But before he can react, he's picked up off the ground, and pinned against the locker by someone much stronger than him.

"Watch where you're going, punk." He spat in his face.

Louis' nostrils flared, hands fisted and ready to fight. "I'd say the same to you if weren't as blind as a fucking bat."

Then, the blow of a punch was heard, as Louis' body was tossed to the side. Louis was shook, but not affective if any. He rose up, only to be tackled down again by the boy. He struggles to be released from the weight that pins him down, but sadly he's too heavy, and Louis braces himself for the next hit until-

"Get away from him."

The voice--smooth as caramel, and suprisingly deep--stops the movement around everyone.

The boy on top of him, turns around to face the main entrance, his mind also captivated by the boy that gave the command.

Almost immediately, his hand releases Louis' shirt, and the weight is lifted off of his chest.

But his eyes catch on the beauty just like everyone else.

There, standing anxiously at the door of the schools stood the most prettiest things he had ever seen. He was small, probably could reach Louis' chest without being on his tippy toes, and a halo of curls surrounded his face. Louis surveyed him from head to his pigeon toes; his milky white skin glowing from the sunlight behind him. His emerald eyes shone with concern, directed towards Louis, and Louis didn't do anything when the boy quickly moved towards him, cause his eyes were so focused on those plump pink lips.

"Look at me, love," the boy had Louis chin in between his fingers, tilting and turning his head to see if he was hurt.

"Are you hurt?" Harry asked.

Love, Louis thought. He called me love.

"No," he answered with a suprisingly high pitched voice, which he then covered with a cough.

"Hmm..." The mother hen hummed, his pink tongue stuck out so adorably, Louis would love to have them between his lips.

"I haven't seen you around here before. What's your name?" The pretty boy asks him.

"L-Louis." was his response.

The boy giggled--the cutest shit ever--showing off his incredibly deep dimples. So deep, Louis could probably sip milk from them.

"Pretty name, Louis. 'm Harry." The boy--Harry--said. "and you have a little welt on your cheek. Someone bring him to the nurse."

Without a second to wait, a boy emerged by Harry's side, a tall, burly boy with brown hair and brown puppy eyes.

"Of course." He said, and beckoned Louis to follow behind him.

"Thanks Liam!" Harry said, turning away from the two, and walking away.

"He's a beauty. Art, perhaps." Louis breaths whe they're far from the diminishing crowd.

"You know what they say about art," Liam replies, " look, but don't touch."

Louis wanted to ask what he meant, but the words never left his mouth. Instead he nodded, deciding enough words were spoken.

Because there's something about that boy he wanted to know, and he'll find out.


The time it took to finish this chapter should have been used to do my summer reading, but I love y'all too much so.


<3 troi

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