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Continued . . .

Bridgette's POV:
"Yea but she's experienced this h-

"Mommy!" Leslie shouted as she ran into the room happily. Geoff pulled her into a big hug and kisses her cheek before setting her down in her high chair. "Mommy I want to go to the park then the mall then the zoo then the library today!" She excitedly shouted.

"Well if you brushed those pretty teeth of yours then maybe we'll go to all your wild trips," I smiled. Joji or Jonah and Leslie were turning 3 in just a week, they planned their special day even if they both disagreed on what was gonna be there and who was gonna be there.

"Mommy, uncle Brandon won't eat our cake right!?" Joji asked as he walked into the kitchen. I chuckled and nodded a yes. (A/N: my newly 3 year old cousin kept saying I wasn't allowed to eat his birthday cake, then like a day after he cried because I told him I wouldn't eat his cake 💆🏻)

Geoff's POV:
As the two kids were discussing their party I got out my phone and saw a message from Duncan saying he was coming over to continue fixing my truck. An hour ago.

"Oh no." I blurted out causing the three blondes to look at me, Bridgette raised her eyebrows. "Duncan's coming o-
Doorbell rings

"Geoff, you didn't tell him this is where Courtney is staying until she sorts out stuff?!" Bridgette exclaimed. I rubbed my neck sheepishly and replied.

"Sorry babe, he literally found out she was in Muskoka last night, I didn't think to tell him she was staying with us." I replied. Bridgette walked to the front door furiously as the doorbell continued to ring. I followed behind her.

Courtney's POV:
"Brandon, I don't know if I can believe you," I cried into his arms as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Come on Courtney, please, this is my last chance, I'm not going to screw up," he whispered into my ears, causing me to shiver.

"Why'd you do it?" I said restraining myself from his hug. He looked into my soul, him and his big green eyes.

"Duncan, come back here!" Bridgette shouted from another room. I removed my eyes off Brandon and unto the now starring mixed young adult. "Duncan, I said don't go in the liv-

"Shit!" Bridgette shouted.

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