We Met in Spanish

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  • Dedicated to Daniel Campbell

Prologue sorta... lol

Walking into Spanish class, sighing. "Its your last period, get through this class, then your first day of high school will be over" I mumble to myself. looking around the room I don't see a single, some what familiar face.

Most of these kids are sophomores anyways. I'm a freshman and in this class because I thought of the smart idea of taking Spanish 1 in eighth grade. plan backfired. no friends. just upperclassmen. greeeat.

I sit down at a table with three friendly enough, looking girl. and take out my notebook. Patiently sitting there waiting for the teacher to start class, I feel eyes on me. i look up to see two smiling faces.
"what's your name?" says the older looking one.

"I'm Erika.. and you guys?"

"That's a very pretty name. I'm Fabiola! but you can call me fabi" she says

"and I'm Maddie!" says the other who I'm pretty sure is a freshman as well. good. I'm not completely alone.

"nice to meet you guys" I awkwardly fumbling with my pencil.

"¡Hola clase!" says my teacher, Ms. Ortiz. "Im going to take roll now!" good a chance to learn kids names.

She reads each kids name making eye contact with every one, giving me time to look at them and hopelessly try to remember there name.

"LAURA ANDERSON" she reads. she seems nice. "ALEXA BARKER" wow, she is pretty. "EVAN BURNS" near the door."DANIEL CAMPBELL" I look around and see his hand raised and he says "you know I'm here Ms. Ortiz" and gives a goofy grin.


he is cute.

then he looks at me.

and smiles.


She reads the rest of the names, but after him I gave up looking. this is the first cute boy I have seen today.

I mean I know I'm not the prettiest. Brown hair, blue eyes, not skinny (but what girl thinks she is) , round face, rosy cheeks, LONG eyelashes (which I take MUCH pride in by the way). I stand at about 5'5. the only cool thing about be is that I live in Las Vegas, Nevada. But so does every kid here. I'm a cheerleader.. that's unique right?

Well, we spent the rest if class doing pointless stuff. signing stuff. filling out stuff. writing down stuff. what a party! or should I say fiesta!!! hahahahhaha. I'm sorry. My jokes don't even sound good in my own head !

then the bell rang.

Everyone stood up. I packed my stuff a little slowly hoping to walk next to him. We did walk out next to each other, but he made a right? that's not the way out? The only thing that way are two other teachers classrooms? oh well, I guess.

I get in the bus, and then walk home.


A/N hey !! I'm not expecting anyone to read this just writing to write!! if you do read... they all aren't gunna be this short I promise <3 ~E.C.

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