Chapter one

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Yay. Day two of school and I already hate high school... But it's only first period, next period I have dance and that seems like a promising class!


As I walk into the gym and sit in the bleachers, in comes a pretty girl. Long dirty blonde hair, kinda chubby, short, but very pretty at that. She looks stuck up tho... Better watch out. She comes and sits next to me... Greeeat. As she takes roll I learn this blonde girls name is Taylor.

"Hi, your Erika right? I'm taylor !" She projects with a friendly smile?

"Yeah, nice to meet you" I shyly input.

"You seem nice, and to be completely honest I don't have many friends here yet" this through me off guard. She wasn't gunna, i don't know, be rude? I guess you can't judge a book by its cover?

"Me either really" I smile.

"Who do you sit with at lunch?" she asks curiously.

"my best friend sense like fourth grade, Kyla. she is pretty cool ! Your welcome to join us today, if you I would like !" I don't know why, but I have a feeling she really is gunna be this friendly girl she has shown me to be.

"Sounds great! Ill meet you by the statue then?"

"Cool!" I say just as the bell rings. " See you then" I adds standing up slinging my bag over my shoulder and walking myself to my next class. health.

"Where you headed?" Taylor says, catching up.

"Health class. How about you?"

"Same" oh goodie.


Well all my classes actually went okay so far. Lunch was really nice, and I really like that Taylor girl, she is good company. Today has been good ! "Don't jinks it" I mumble walking into Spanish.

I take a seat in the same spot, hoping those girls sit here again. And as I see them walk in they take the same seats. Smiling I open up my bag and grab my binder.

"Well you look happy to be here!" says fabi, the (who i have learned to be) junior.

"We are just that fabulous" jokes Maddie.

"Oh yeah, you got me!" I smile genuinely. I really like these girls they are really easy going and seem to not care that, well, I don't really care !

"Knew it" Maddie winks, just as the bell rings and everyone settles I their seat.

I look over to see beautiful brown eyes that happen to connect with mine. They were breath taking. I look away not wanting anyone, especially him knowing I think he is cute.

Daniel Campbell

.....Daniel Campbell

Daniel Campbell.

Has a nice ring to it. Erika Campbell. What. What am I saying? I don't even know this boy? Why am I fantasizing about him? And why does it involve marrying him? What is happening to me? hahaha I'm so weird !

I look up to see everyone's eyes on me. I awkwardly smile... Why are they ?

"Are you here Erika?" Says the teacher, smirking at me.

"Physically, yeah" I say honestly,

Then the whole class laughs. What. Why are they laughing. Was I funny? VICTORY *gives self awkward high-five*.

"I can see that, next time say here sweetie" she smiles sweetly.

"Will do, sorry ! " I blush fiercely when I see him giggling at me still! YES. What? he is really cute!

The rest of the class is pretty much the same as yesterday lame rules and stupid procedures. Boring. But I do notice the guy sitting next Daniel. He looks oddly familiar..? Maybe I have geometry with him? I don't know...

When the bell rings and I walk out of class I notice Taylor come out of the Spanish class near mine, but also walks out Peytan. She was my best friend seventh and eighth grade but this summer we got in a fight and were no longer fiends. Awkward... And then turns Daniel, towards those class rooms and into the class next to, what I know now, is Taylor's. Into Ms. Campbell's room.

OHHH. Daniel Campbell. Ms. Campbell. That's his mom. It makes sense now! Good !

DANIEL'S Point of View


As I was eating lunch I saw her, the beautiful girl I have come to crush on and it's weird. I'd int even unwind her. She is just mesmerizing. Her hair flows perfectly and her eyes are captivating. She was sitting thee with her friends, loud, outgoing, not the shy girl i saw yesterday. And i like her even more for it. The lunch bell rings and I have to go to class.

I take my seat next to Ben, facing her. When Ms. Ortiz starts taking roll she doesn't look like she is paying an attention.




Everyone looks at her. she pelt looks up and give the prettiest smile.

"Are you here Erika?" she blushes.

"Physically yes" she says.

the whole class laughs! She is funny too! She looks at me while I'm laughing and blushes a major shade of pink. Today has been a food day )

ERIKA'S Point of View


Well I walk down the stairs of the that building, building F, and to my bus. As sit down, in walks that kid ! The one next to Daniel, who's name I'm pretty sure is Ben. Okay so that's how I know him! Good, that would have bothered me!

Bus ride was boring. Walk home was boring.

As I walk into my house and unlock the front door my little Bella runs up to me. Bella Hipster Crapes, that is my little baby Maltese's name. She is my love! And all I need! I run upstairs and into my room as usual, what else would I do? No one is home! it's just me and my mom here. We have a above average size house I guess. But it's nice. Being an only child has its perks I guess. If I was any other kid, you could call me spoiled. But I'm not spoiled. Yeah, I get what ever I want. But I don't ask for much. All the nice thins I have I was given as presents. Nothing too extreme I don't own a pony! But I get a little more than the average teenager.... I don't know..

I hop on my laptop... Which is a Mac book Pro... Told you, unnecessary expensive product! And decide to go on tumblr. It is my get away. I have a few thousand followers.. Like about 10... But no one knows who I am.

After hours of that I decide to go down stairs. The kitchen is one thing in this house I really do love it is big and open but not empty! We have people over a lot, and I love baking so, a nice big one is kinda necessary! I grab some food and realize just how tired i am and that I need some sleep.

I run into my bathroom which is also kinda big, which I can't complain about. My shower is big too, I love my shower. It's like heaven! After unwinding and cleaning my face I finally get out. Putting away my Clearasonic and open my cabinet with all my Bath and Body Works products. Apply some lotion, put some panties and a Bra on. A tank top and Pink brand spankies on. I comb through my hair an throw it up In a bun.

Goodnight world, see you tomorrow.


A/N hey, that's a little insight on her life I guess! She does have the riches and the Brains it seems but where was her mom? How about her dad? We will see!! Thanks ~E.C.

We Met in SpanishWhere stories live. Discover now