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"I told you when we started this, that I don't have time for things like 'love'. If you can't accept that, then it'll be better if we just stop now before you get your feelings hurt." Ruki slammed the door to your apartment as he walked out.

You covered your face with your hands as you cried. You knew this would happen. You crawled into your bed, and buried yourself within the blankets.

When you woke up, your eyes were practically swollen shut from all the sobbing you'd done.
And for the next few days, all nights were like this. Crying uncontrollably, dreaming of him in your sleep, waking up alone.
This was no one but your own fault. He'd been brutally honest when you'd met about the 'relationship'  you'd have with him. And like an idiot, you agreed.

But by the second week, the feelings of self loathing morphed into hate. Hate for the man that'd done this to you.
If this was going to be a strictly physical relationship, then why invest time into getting to know you? Into taking you out on dates. Into comforting you when you had bad days. Into making you fall in love.

You hated the way he smoked those cigarettes and, the way he bleached his hair.
You hated the way he would never answer your calls and, the way he spoke broken English.
You hated the way his voice could make you melt and, the way, the way in which he made you feel like you had a chance.
Most of all, you hated the way he'd come back.
The way he'd apologize, and pour his heart out to you.
The way that like an idiot, you'd believe him, and let him back in.

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