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The bright lights began flashing and the crowd roared in anticipation. You were excited to say the least. Today was the first time you'd see your boyfriend, Ruki, perform in concert.
You stood in a small section, closed off from the public, with the Gazette's managers. ///The reversed side of beauty  It dyed by beloved filth  Sexual disgrace /// Ruki bounced to the beat of Kai's drumming. Suddenly, Aoi and Uruha's strumming became chaotic; everyone began head banging.
Then, the song slowed and Ruki relaxed his voice into a soft, calm melody. As he sang, you couldn't help but notice his hands. Well, what his hands were doing. They traced sensually along his chest, and then crept lower. Lower until he began to blatantly rub his crotch. At this, the crowd went wild, countless women and men yelling his name. You couldn't help but blush and giggle nervously as their managers looked on awkwardly. About a billion head bangs and an encore later, you sat patiently in their dressing room on the couch.  They all rushed in once the concert had finished. Ruki pulled you into his arms and gave you a kiss. " Sorry I'm sweaty..." He laughed. "Did you like it? How'd we do?" He asked taking a sip from his beloved Orangina. "It was awesome!" You replied eagerly. "And I loved seeing you grope yourself." You winked.  Ruki blushed choking on his favorite juice. Aoi, Reita, Uruha, and Kai burst out in laughter. '"The worst part is he's been practicing all of his moves and saying, "Do you think she'll like it? Is it too much? Answer me Uruha!" "' teased Aoi. " He was so nervous about you seeing him!" Added Kai.
You also joined in on the giggling. "You guys are so mean!" Ruki pouted, slapping Kai on the arm.
You hugged him and continued to laugh. "You were amazing, now stop sulking! And...you should show me that again when we get home" You whispered pecking his cheek with a kiss

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